Контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс, Спотлайт

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе

Краткое описание: Контрольная работа по английскому языку содержит задания в двух вариантах по теме Изобретения, в которой проверяется знания учащихся лексико-грамматического материала. Позволяет проверить их умения работать с текстом, знания грамматической темы I wish + Past Simple, I wish + Past Perfe

Control work for the 11th classes May, 18 variant — 1

I Match each definition with the correct word

telephone printer mouse calculator computer

A device that people use to count numbers

A machine that use to make copies of documents and pictures from computer

An electric machine which can store and recall the information

A device which is used to talk with people over long distances

A pointing device that has a wheel and two buttons to click on the information

II Read the situation and write sentences Wish + Past Simple

Example: I have to work on the 1 st of January. I wish I didn’t work on the 1 st of January.

1 I can’t see fireworks. I have to stay in bed. I wish…

2 I live in a small town. I don’t like it. I wish…

3 I have an exam tomorrow. I don’t know anything about British holidays. I wish…

4 What a pity! I’m not lying on a sunny beach. I wish…

III Read the situation and write sentences Wish + Past Perfect

The bad hotel service spoiled my holiday. I wish the bad service hadn’t spoiled my holiday.

1 I feel sick. I ate too much. I wish…

2 I find learning languages difficult. Why didn’t I study science instead? I wish…

3 During my holidays in St Trope the weather was bad. I wish…

4 When I went to Scotland I forgot to take my camera. I wish…

IV Read the text and answer the questions

1 For what special situations have people used cameras?

2 Why were cameras installed in public places?

3 How do cameras help prevent crimes at football matches?

4 Where else are cameras used?

Control work for the 11th classes May, 18 variant — 2

I Match each definition with the correct word

e-mail mobile phone Internet keyboard flash drive

a device that allows a person to enter symbols like letters and numbers into a computer.

is a data storage device

with the help of this we can send and receive letters in the Internet

a large group of computers that are connected to each other

is a device that can make and receive moving around a wide geographic area.

II Read the situation and write sentences Wish + Past Simple

Example: I have to work on the 1 st of January. I wish I didn’t work on the 1 st of January.

1 I can’t invite guests. My room is so small. I wish…

2 I’m not allowed to take books for holidays. I wish…

3 I’m not rich. I’d love to go and see the carnival in Brazil. I wish…

4 I can’t go home at Christmas. I wish…

III Read the situation and write sentences Wish + Past Perfect

The bad hotel service spoiled my holiday. I wish the bad service hadn’t spoiled my holiday.

1 I gave my encyclopedia to my friend. Now I need id for my report. I wish…

2 I don’t know what happened to me yesterday. I got angry and was rude to my mum. I wish…

3 I didn’t get up early, missed the breakfast. I’m hungry now. I wish…

4 I wanted to send my friend a card on holiday, but I forgot to take her address. I wish…

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс, Спотлайт

Данная контрольная работа предназначена для обучающихся 11 класса, которые занимаются по УМК Спотлайт. Объектами контроля являются элементы языка (лексика, грамматика) Содержит задания по грамматике Активный и Страдательный залоги, также есть задания на использование изученной лексики. Тест состоит из пяти разделов.

Test 11 form (Module 4) V­I Vocabulary A Fill in: the weather, feet, color, flies 1.I saw men and women rushing back and forth within the flames. They would run along, then came the choking smoke and they would drop like dead _____ . 2. I don’t think I’m going to school to day. I’m feeling under _______. 3. He decided not to go shopping because He felt a bit off ________. 4. My sister is back on her ______ after losing her job last year. (4 х 1= 4) B Choose the correct item. 5. Maria has not made a full recovery, as her nose is runny and her voice is still hoarse/ dizzy. 6.I think I’ve developed an allergic reaction to something I ate; my skin is really sore/ itchy. 7. John was vomiting/irresistible all night. He must have a stomach bug 8. My nose is runny.I need to blow/wheeze it. 9. Bill’s grandfather has just had a heart pain/ attack. 10. Simon found himself faced with agonizing/ painful decision. 11. Joe’s fingers were so excruciating/frostbitten so he was unable to move them. 12. Yesterday my brother had a high temperature/infection, but today he’s got a slight one. (8 х 1= 8) Everyday English С Use the sentences A­E to complete the dialogue. Sarah: 13____________ Would you like me to make you a cup of tea? John: Yes, please. 14__________ Sarah: Have you got a temperature? John: Yes, a slight one. Sarah: 15__________ John: 16_________ My throat has been bothering me for days. Sarah: Would you like me to call the doctor? John: Actually, I’ve already done it. 17_________ A Thanks anyway. B I think you’re right. C That’s very kind of you. D You must have caught that virus that’s going around. E You look awful. (5 х 2= 10) Grammar D Change the sentences from active to passive. 18 Doctor Smith told the patient to take antibiotics. ______________________________________ 19 Chris should make a doctor’s appointment. ______________________________________ 20 A nurse is taking Annabel’s temperature. ______________________________________ 21 The neighbour’s cat causes her allergy. ______________________________________ 22 The rescuers have carried the victims to safety. ______________________________________ 23 They will build a medical clinic for cancer patients. ______________________________________ 24 The doctor was treating the patient when the ambulance arrived. ______________________________________ 25 The newspaper report that two film stars were married. ______________________________________ (8 х 2= 16) E Read the information. Use it to form sentences in the passive. ­ located in Agra, India _____________________________________ ­ built by Shah Jahan for his wife ______________________________ ­ set within gardens _________________________________________ ­ covered in marble(мрамор)__________________________________ ­ visited by a lot of tourists every year. __________________________ (5х 3= 15) Test 11 form (Module 4) V­II Vocabulary A Fill in: the weather, feet, color, flies 1. After I had spent the whole afternoon stranded out in the rain without a jacket, I was feeling a bit under ________. 2. Jane’s looking off _______ ; she must be exhausted from working at the hospital all night. 3. I am so happy that you are back on your _______ and have bought your first house. 4. If people are dropping like _______, large numbers of them are dying or becoming ill or injured within a short period of time. (4 х 1= 4) B Choose the correct item. 5. Before Kathie fainted. She felt dizzy/agonizing. 6. I think I’ve got/caught a cold. 7 Mary’s got a strange rash/wound on her arm with itchy spots. 8. My hay fever’s really bad today. I can’t stop sneezing/breathing. 9. I’ve got an excruciating ache/pain in my stomach. 10. Peter’s hacking/splitting cough woke up a baby. 11. Mrs Tates uses a wheelchair(инвалидное кресло) because she was seriously crippled/bruised in an accident. 12. Doctor thinks you look like you’ve got allergic reaction/infection. (8 х 1= 8) Everyday English C Use the sentences A­E to complete the dialogue. Kathie: 13____________ Let me buy some cough syrup for you. John: Yes, please.14 __________ Kathie: Have you got a headache? John: Yes, I’ve got a splitting one. Kathie: 15__________ John: 16_________ My voice hoarses a lot. Kathie: Can I call the doctor? John: Actually, I’ve already done it.17 _________ A Thanks anyway. B You could be right. C That would be a great help! D I think you’ve probably got a throat infection E You sound awful. (5 х 2= 10) Grammar D Change the sentences from active to passive. 18 They take the child to school by car. ______________________________________ 19 We elected Peter as a captain. ______________________________________ 20 The reporter is announcing the results on the radio right now. ______________________________________ 21 The doctor was treating the patient when the ambulance arrived. ______________________________________ 22 We must listen to his advice. ______________________________________ 23 Emma had done the housework before the guests arrived. ______________________________________ 24 The ambulance will take the patient to the nearest hospital. ______________________________________ 25 Tom will have calculated the cost (цена) before the end of the day. ______________________________________ (8 х 2= 16) E Read the information.Use it to form sentences in the passive. ­ located in Westminster, London_____________________________________ ­ converted into a palace in the 1820s by John Nash _____________________________________ ­ opened to public in the mid­1990s_____________________________________ ­ drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci kept there ______________________________ ­ visited by millions of tourists every year. ________________________________ (5 х 3= 15)

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 класса

Источник: Составлено учителем, Шарафиевой Г.И.

Цель: проверить знания, умения и навыки

· в написании личного письма с употреблением формул речевого этикета, принятых в стране изучаемого языка, с изложением новостей, рассказом об отдельных фактах и событиях своей жизни, с выражением своих суждений и чувств, описанием планов на будущее и расспросе об аналогичной информации партнера по письменному общению

· в понимании основного содержания аутентичных текстов и установлении соответствии между текстами и заголовками;

· в образовании однокоренных слов .

You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend Sam who writes

….We are doing a project at school on how computers are changing people’s lives. Please could you tell me how computers are changing things and how people feel about it?have you got a computer at home? What do you use it for?

As for me, I’m going on holiday with my parents next weekend…

Write back to Sam.
In your letter
• answer his questions
• ask 3 questions about his holiday.

II . Reading

Установите соответствие тем A H текстам 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


1. Ask your parents for permission to have a party. Decide what kind of party you want and whether it will be held indoors or outdoors. Send written invitations to your friends. Tell them what kind of party you are having, at what time, where, and whether or not the guests should wear costumes. Make a list of games you would like to play. Ask your mother to help you prepare refreshments. Ice cream, cake, cookies, and lemonade are good for any party.

2. This activity makes everybody laugh. Have the guests sit around the room. Choose one person to be a pussycat. The pussy must go over to a guest and do his/her best to make the guest laugh. He/she can make funny meows and walk around like a cat. The pussy goes from one guest to another until someone laughs. The first one to laugh becomes the new pussy.

3. It’s easy to make a cake from a cake mix that you get from the grocery store. You usually add only water or milk. Cake mixes come in many flavours, such as chocolate, lemon, banana, vanilla and others. When you make a cake from a mix, always follow the directions on the package carefully. Then you can be sure that your cake will turn out right and your guests will enjoy it. Many mixes have a small envelope of powdered frosting hidden inside the flour.

4. As you ride on a bus with your friends, get someone to start singing. Everyone joins in. At the first crossroad, another person starts a different song, and everyone joins in. Keep changing songs at every crossroad.

5. Looking after cats is easy. They wash themselves every day and eat almost any food. Cats like to drink milk and cream. But they need to be fed fish, beef, liver, and other kinds of meat. They need a clean, dry bed at night. You can use a basket or a cardboard box for your cat’s bed. Cats like to play with a rubber ball or chase a string.

6. You can have a whole army of toy soldiers made of tin, wood or plastic. Some may be dressed in fancy uniforms, some may be sitting on horses. Others may be ready for battle, carrying guns and shoulder packs. You can have soldiers from other countries, or only Civil War soldiers or only modern soldiers. If you get two soldiers that are alike, trade your extra soldier with another toy soldier lover.

7. Even animals get involved in elections. The donkey and elephant have been political symbols in the USAfor more than 100 years. Why? In 1828, Democrat Andrew Jackson ran for president. Critics said he was stubborn as a donkey. The donkey has been the symbol of the Democratic Party ever since. In the 1870s, newspaper cartoonists began using the elephant to stand for the Republican Party.

Контрольная работа по английскому 11 класс

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Соотнесите говорящих и утверждения a — g. Одно утверждение в списке лишнее. Вы услышите высказывания два раза.

a) Everyone travels for learning.

b) Travelling can help to begin the personal changes.

c) Travel broadens the mind, doesn’t it?

d) The best thing about travelling is communication with people.

e) Travel can change your mind about the places.

f) Travelling is the best teacher.

g) There is no place like home.

1. Заполните пропуски в тексте 1 — 6 частями предложений A — G. Одна часть в списке лишняя.

The study of life

Biology means the study of life and it is the science that investigates all living things. Even in the days before recorded history, people knew and passed on information about plants and animals. Prehistoric people survived by learning 1) ______. Farming would not have developed if they had not begun to understand that animals could produce food like milk and eggs.

The ancient Egyptians studied the life cycle of insects and understood the part that they played in the life cycle of plants. The Mesopotamians even kept animals in «ancient zoos» 2) ______. The ancient Greeks, too, were greatly interested in understanding the world around them. Aristotle recorded his observations of plants and animals, and his successor, Theophrastus, wrote the first books on plant life, 3) ______.

Modern biology really began in the 17th century. At that time, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, in Holland, invented the microscope and William Harvey, in England, described the circulation of blood. The microscope allowed scientists to discover bacteria, 4) ______. And new knowledge about how the human body works allowed others to find more effective ways of treating illnesses. In the middle of the 19th century, unnoticed by anyone else, the Austrian monk Gregor Mendel, created his Laws of Inheritance, beginning the study of genetics 5) ______. At the same time, while travelling around the world, Charles Darwin was formulating the central principle of modern biology-natural selection as the basis of evolution.

In the 20th century, biologists began to recognize how plants and animals live and pass on their genetically coded information to the next generation. Since then, partly because of developments in computer technology, there have been great advances in the field of biology, 6) ______.

A) who were very dangerous

B) that is such an important part of biology today

C) which had been the basis for the study of botany

D) which plants were good to eat and which could be used for medicine

E) which led to an understanding of the causes of disease

F) which were the earliest zoological gardens

G) which is an area of ever-growing knowledge

2. Прочитайте текст и выберите подходящий вариант для завершения предложений 1 — 7.

In the United Kingdom compulsory education ends at the age of sixteen. However, many students stay on and complete two more years. For some (and I include myself in this category) school just becomes a habit, something you don’t want to give up as it is so familiar to you. School is your world and you know nothing else and so you just keep on going.

Imagine my feelings when sixth form was over and there were no more classes to complete! Instead of feeling a sense of joy and relief I panicked — what was I, Jack McHall, to do? The logical and the best option was to go to university and continue my studies there, so that is, of course, what I did.

Unfortunately, the end of secondary education in the U.K. is not marked by any sense of celebration, like in other countries, for example, like the USA where students graduate at the age of 18 and have a fancy ball. (In the UK you have to wait until you finish college or university before you can have that privilege). In the UK you just ‘finish school!’ The lucky ones have a respectable collection of qualifications to their name as souvenirs; the unlucky ones may have slipped through the net somehow and end up going back to education at a later date when they feel more like studying. Education is more than qualifications, I admit that. But they are what count at the end of the day.

Ask anyone what they remember most about school and they’d probably say the teachers. They are what makes education a humanistic experience and, therefore, are the most memorable: the good ones, the bad ones, the kindest ones, the most generous ones… I was sad to leave them all, but I always was far too nostalgic.

School dinners, as for me, are remembered for a lot of wrong reasons: the long queues, the fat dinner ladies, the tasteless food. Thank goodness, they have introduced healthy eating plans in schools! Pupils are luckier nowadays!

Principally, school is all about belonging to a certain community and sitting in and making a contribution. I remember difficult times in the year, trying to find time for musical productions and athletics competitions. I wanted to do everything and make my school proud. What was more – an athlete or a musician? I was both, and a scholar too; an ‘all-rounder’, I suppose you could say. Luckily, I was able to rely on my natural ability to get me through the exams and didn’t have to spend too much time studying. I just listened to my teachers and got through that way. I thank them, really I do.

So, it will come as no surprise to you to find out that I became a teacher after I finished university. I couldn’t get enough of school and so I stayed there! But this time it’s different. Now I can give something back to society. I face many challenges everyday but keep going.

1) When Jack completed sixth form he

b) started working.

c) went on to further education.

d) took a break from studying.

2) In the UK students have special celebration

a) earlier than in the USA.

b) when they finish school.

c) at the age of 18.

d) on completion of university.

3) In paragraph 3 «slipped through the net» means that some students

a) did not have many qualifications.

b) got a good number of qualifications.

c) were lucky at school.

d) left school later.

4) According to Jack, school dinners

a) were a pleasant experience.

b) are remembered by all students.

c) are bad for you.

d) are better now than before.

5) Jack had difficulty at school

a) deciding what to be.

b) combining the activities.

c) studying for exams.

d) listening to teachers.

6) Jack had returned to school because

a) he wanted to serve the people.

b) school was everything to his children.

c) it was the easiest way to live.

d) he had little experience of education.

7) When Jack says he «couldn’t get enough of school» in the last paragraph, he means that

a) he was tired of it.

b) he really liked it.

c) he found it entertaining.

d) he was afraid to leave.

1. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1) If I (BE) to London, I would have visited Hyde Park.

2) Your way to live is (IMPRESSIVE) than mine.

3) During the current trip he (ASK) to tell his story every day.

4) While she (LISTEN) to the radio, her cat run away.

5) My brother is fond of (BUY) old manuscripts.

6) These (WOMAN) were great scientists.

7) Nobody has seen the (RESTORE) statue yet.

2. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1) We will discuss all (GLOBE) problems.

2) He is afraid of federal (INVESTIGATE).

3) The editor had rejected my work so I had to (WRITE) the article.

4) She speaks Japanese (RARE).

5) These devices can be used together because of their (COMPATIBLE).

6) Broadway is full of (BELEIVE) performances.

3. Выберите подходящие варианты для заполнения пропусков.

After more than fifty years of television, it might seem only obvious to conclude that it is here to stay. There have been many objections to it during this time but it’s still 1) ______ us.

Did it cause eyestrain? Was the screen bombarding us with radioactivity? Did the advertisements 2) ______ special messages, persuading us to buy more? Did children turn to violence through watching it, either because so many programmes taught them how to shoot, rob, and 3) ______? Or did it simply create a passive audience, drugged by glamorous serials and silly situation 4) ______. On the other hand, did it increase anxiety by sensationalising the news and filling 5) ______ living rooms with war and political problems?

All in all, television proved to be the all-purpose scapegoat and object to hate for the second half of the century, criticized for 6) ______, but above all, watched by everyone. It doesn’t matter how much we blamed it, were bored by it, or felt that it took us 7) ______ from the old paradise of family conversation and hobbies such as collecting stamps, we never turned it off. We staring at the screen, aware that our own tiny reflection was in it if we looked carefully.

1) a) of b) from c) with d) out

2) a) contain b) having c) of d) take

3) a) help b) be happy c) look for d) kill

4) a) perhaps b) comedies c) programme d) often

5) a) our b) us c) ourselves d) we

6) a) nothing b) everything c) anything d) something

7) a) on b) in c) up d) away

Рассмотрите фотографию, которую прислали в редакцию одной из газет. Какую бы вы написали статью под данным заголовком? Объём письменного высказывания — не менее 15 предложений.

Текст для аудирования

I’ve learnt from first-hand experience what winter is like, I’ve seen places I’ve heard of or learnt about at school, places I’ve read about in books or seen in the movies. Now I know what it’s like to travel by air, sea and rail and, of course, by road. I can say I’ve interacted with people in Europe, Asia, North America, South America and in the Middle East. I have tried their life and I have seen all the wonders of the world. And I would say that travelling helped me to get more experience and more knowledge about the world we live in than education could give me.

Lots of people believe that travel broadens the mind. In fact, it can sometimes confirm people in their own prejudices. A friend of mine went to Cyprus and when he came back, he complained bitterly that he could not find English food and everything was so foreign! If one travels with that kind of attitude, this person never learns anything about other places and people. Today many people travel not in order to learn or broaden their mind, but to «have a good time» and usually on their terms. I think travel can broaden the mind; but only when there’s room in it to expand.

I’ve just got back from a trip to Japan and what I learned by just being there is more than I’ve ever learned on the Internet. There are so many opinions and I found that whatever people had to say about Japan was radically different from my own experience there. Talking to some locals, I rethink my position on this country. Travel lets you see other people’s lives, cultures, customs and traditions from different parts of the world with fresh look. I admit that people who never leave their countries are narrow-minded and ignorant.

I don’t feel the need to travel anywhere as much I did when I lived in Europe. Canada has a lot of the things I’m looking for: beautiful scenery, quiet places, no beaches full of people with horrible accents demanding fish and chips, nice weather in the summer. I don’t like hot places, so there isn’t really anything I’m missing. I love my house and I don’t like leaving. Seriously, I love hanging on the sofa. My life’s pretty full these days, so when I have the chance to do nothing, I’m as happy as a child.

I feel sad for those people who have never travelled outside of their own hometown. There’s a whole world of different cultures to meet out there, ninety-nine per cent of which you can’t have by just sitting in the living room in front of the TV. When you travel to other countries you can see, feel and touch other ways of living. Some places will shock you, others will please you, but you will never be untouched by experiencing other cultures. You will then appreciate your own life and see it in a different way. You learn and start thinking and perhaps it will change you forever.

I’ve been lucky enough to work all around the world and I have to say it has enlightened me in so many ways. The thing for me is that you have to meet people. Why travel if you’re just going to hang out with the same people? For me, learning how other people think, what they do, what’s important for them and how they live is the “mind-expanding“ side of travel that I enjoy. It’s useful because it puts into question all of the habits and beliefs that you take for granted, and shows us that all lifestyles and points of view are equally valid.