Контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс Модуль 4

Проверочная работа по английскому языку 4 класс (модуль 3)

Проверочная работа составлена с целью проверить уровень знаний учащихся по пройденной теме, а именно:

some or any? порядок слов в английсокм вопросе и предложении, знание лексических единиц по теме и т.п.

Содержимое разработки

Проверочная работа (модуль 3) Spotlight 4 класс

1.Найди соответствия:

плитка шоколада a) a bottle of oil

кусок торта b) a carton of milk

банка бобов c) a bar of chocolate

несколько ананасов d) a loaf of bread

банка варенья e) some pineapples

килограмм масла f) a piece of cake

бутылка масла g) a tin of beans

несколько яиц h) a jar of jam

пачка чая i) a lot of oranges

много апельсинов j) a kilo of butter

буханка хлеба k) a packet of tea

пакет молока l ) some eggs

2. Выбери а напиши правильное слово:

There is a lot of/much butter in the fridge;

How many/much potatoes we need?;

There isn’t many/much salt left in the packet . ;

Can I have much/some fish, please?

We don’t like much/many pepper .

Оцени следующие высказывания:

True истинное или false ложное?

There are a lot of students in our school.

You have got some exercise-books in your schoolbag.

There is a lot of sugar in soup.

Many children like drinking coke and lemonade.

It’s not good to eat much salt.

Напиши 5 вопросов, используя:

I/ May/ some/ drink/ milk/ please?

some/ eat/ I/ May/cheese/ please?

have/book/ a/ may/I/please?

Can / go/ I/ to/ school/ please?

May/ have/ some/ chocolate/ I/ please?

Напиши на английском языке:

Можно мне немного соли пожалуйста?

У меня много книг.

Сколько соли нам нужно?

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс Модуль 4

Контрольная работа по английскому языку к учебнику Spotlight 9 класс Модуль 4 . Данный материал предназначен для учащихся 9 класса при контроле изученного материала модуль 4. Задание 1 Complete the sentences with the words below: modem, servers, taking over, service, received, institutions.

Тест, Модуль 4 ( 9 класс), Spotlight Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with the words below: modem, servers, taking over, service, received, institutions. 1. 2. 3. If you continue to have problems, you’ll need to call your internet……..provider. I haven’t……..your email yet. What did you send it? The reason why you can’t connect to the internet is that there’s something wrong with your. 4. 5. 6. Do you think there’s a possibility of robots ………the world one day? Many universities and other academic…..offer IT courses. Try connecting to the Net later, when the ………..aren’t so busy. Ex.2 Match the words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. vacuum mow come cater for perform become 7. 8. Ex. 3 Choose the correct tense. a. b. c. d. e. f. our needs tasks to harm the carpets a reality the lawn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I can’t come to school tomorrow because I am going to/ go to the doctor. The train is leaving/ leaves at exactly nine o’clock tomorrow, so don’t be late. We are having/ have a party tonight. The concert begins/ is beginning at 8.30. On Monday the Prime Minister is going to/ will be give a speech. I am flying/ will fly to Rome on Monday, but I’ll be back on Wednesday. At ten o’clock I have/ am going to have a meeting with my boss. Look at those dark clouds in the sky! It is raining/ going to rain in a few minutes. Have you missed the bus? I will/ am going to give you a lift home. The plain takes off/ will take off at 6 o’clock. That’s what it says on my ticket. 1. 9. Ex. 4 Choose the correct answer. I suggest that you save the document under a different name. 2. Let me take a look at the scanner problem you have. 3. Can you give me a hand with my printer? I can’t get my screen to turn on. 4. 5. Are you sure you don’t want me to fix that for you? 6. a. That’s really kind of you. b. How about rebooting the c. Well, it’s worth a try. d. Thanks, but I think I can system? manage. e. Sure, what’s the problem? 7. 8. 9. 1. Ex. 5 Put in: into, up, out, out of, down. The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had brought ……the local prison. 2. Fighting broke …….between opposing football fans after last night’s game. 3. The couple broke……but got back together a month later. 4. When her car broke…..she called a local garage to ask for help. 5. The police are looking for two men who were filmed as they were breaking ….an electrical shop last night. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Ex. 6 Complete the text with missing phrases. There’s one extra phrase. People originally used the internet for business and academic reasons, but in modern times it has now become a vital part of millions of people’s social lives. Many internet services such as email offer people ways to communicate with each other electronically. Recently, social networking has become hugely important means of online communication. As email once replaced the letter, 1……… 15. The term “social networking” refers to online communities that connect school friends, business colleagues or people with common interests or activities. A user of a social networking site has a personal webpage where he/ she can write a blog, upload pictures or videos, and 2………………….. In fact, the main reasons why social networking is so widespread is because it allows people to find lost friends or keep in contact with friends that are far away. 16. However, not everyone accepts that 3………………. Researchers have noticed that some social networking users become antisocial, as they start to 4………………….. 17. Instead, they often rely on their internet friends for social contact. Moreover, social networking has caused problems in the business world, as some office workers 5…………….and waste time when they should be concentrating on their work. 18. All in all, social networking sites 6………………… However, users must be careful not to let their online lives affect their real social skills. On social networking sites you can accept or refuse a friend just with one click of a button. 19. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Fortunately, in the real world, things are more complicated. the affect of social networking on society is necessarily positive receive messages from other users who they have accepted as friends have less face­to­face communication social networking could soon do the same for email spend a lot of money on upgrading their computers get hooked on social networking sites allow users advanced levels of communication 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.KEYS A. 1.service 35.2. received 36.3. modem 37.4. taking over 38.5. institution 39.6.servers 40. B. 1­b 41.2­f 42.3­c 43.4­a 44.5­b 45.6­e C. 1.Am going to 46.2. leaves 47.3. are having 48.4. begins 49.5. is going 50.6. am flying 51.7. have 52.8.going to rain 53.9. will 54.10. takes off 55. D. 1­c 56.2­a 57.3­e 58.4­b 59.5­d E. 1. Out of 60.2. out 61.3. up 62.4. down 63.5. into 64.F 65.1­d 66.2­b 67.3­a 68.4­c 69.5­f 70.6­g 71. 72.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку (модуль 4) к УМК Ю.Е. Ваулиной и др. «Spotlight-6»

1. Hi, Diana, it’s Sam. How are you?
2. Fine. Are you free tomorrow to help me with my homework?
3. Hello?
4. Sounds great. Thank you.
5. Yeah, I’d love to.
6. Fine, and you?

Ответ :

Points: _______ (12)

G. Answer the following questions.

What’s your name?______________________________________________

How do you spell your name?____________________________________

How old are you?_______________________________________________

What is your favourite kind of sport?_______________________________

What is your favourite food?______________________________________

What do you like to do in the morning?_____________________________

With whom do you usually spend your weekends?_____________________

What is your favourite drink?____________________________________

Points: _______ (16)

H. Read the text and mark the statements True T). False (F), Not Stated (NS).

Winston Churchill got up at 7:30 and stayed in bed until 11:00, then he ate breakfast, read several newspapers, the mail and dictated to his secretaries. When he finally got out of bed, he took a bath, took a walk around the garden, and then settled in to work, At 1 00 p. m, he joined guests and family for a three-course lunch. Lunch lasted until 3:30, after which he returned to his study to work, or supervised work on his estate, or played cards or backgammon with his wife Clementine. At 5:00 he napped for an hour and a half, took a bath again and got ready for dinner. Dinner was the highlight of his day, with much socializing, that sometimes went past midnight. Table talk, dominated by Churchill, was as important as the meal. After his guests loft, he worked for another hour or so before going to bed.
1. Winston Churchill preferred early breakfast. 2. Winston Churchill was a famous politician. 3. After a walk Churchill sat down to work. 4. At lunch Churchill’s family often had guests. 5. Lunch usually lasted two hours and a half. 6. After lunch Churchill had a walk and played tennis. 7. Churchill played different games with his wife. 8. During the daytime Churchill had a sleep. 9. Churchill preferred to go to bed early. 10. Churchill liked socializing and was a good talker.

Points: _______ (10)

Listen to the text and mark the statements True T). False (F), Not Stated (NS).

1. At the age of 18 Australian teens have all the rights of a grown-up person.

2. In Australia children go to school at five.

3. Australian students choose all the subjects they like to study.

4. All students must study Maths and English.

5. Distance education is quite popular.

Points: _______ (10)

J. You’ve got an e-mail from your English pen friend. Write him a letter about your favourite TV programmes, how you spend your free time. Write 50-60 words.

Points: _______ (10)

Teenage Life in Australia

Australians consider the ages of 12 to 17 as teenagers. After leaving school and turning 18 an Australian is an adult. Australians have a 13-year schooling system with a pre-school year. Students start primary school when they turn six and continue for seven years. High school begins in year 8 and continues through to year 12. The school year begins in January and ends in November or December when summer begins in Australia. Each school decides how many subjects a student can take, somewhere between five and seven. English and Mathematics are compulsory. Students choose the subjects that will continue until graduation. Distance education can be arranged. Students living on the islands do all their schooling through distance education. Every school has a school uniform. Most uniforms are similar and differ in colour.

Контрольные работы по английскому языку 4 класс УМК Spotlight
тест по английскому языку по теме

Контрольные работы по английскому языку для учащихся 4 класса по учебнику УМК Spotlight соответствуют возрастным особенностям учащихся и содержанию материала учебника.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Look, learn the table and write. Then translate into Russian.

next to the armchair

behind the book

in front of the computer

under the table

in front of the window

behind the door

  1. Helmet (A2)______________________________________________________
  1. Gloves (A3)______________________________________________________
  1. Mobile phone (A1)________________________________________________
  1. CDs (B3) ________________________________________________________
  1. Hairbrush (B2) ___________________________________________________

2. Write the numbers.

3. Read and choose.

  1. ………….. you play the guitar? a) Can b) Are

2. Listen! The children …………………… . a) are singing b) is singing

3 Look! Kelly …………………………. a) is diving b) are diving

4. Bill and Wendy ……………….. playing in the garden. They’re in the living room.

5. She …………… swim really well. She’s in the swimming team.

4. Read and complete with Present Continuous.

It’s Sunday. My dad_______________________________________ (watch) TV.

On the television his favourite band ___________________________(play) the concert.

My mum and grandma______________________________________ (cook).

My grandpa_______________________________ (sleep).

We_______________________________(have) a good time.

Предварительный просмотр:

UNIT 2. A Working Day.

1. Соедини время.

5:15 quarter past five

8:30 quarter to ten

9:45 quarter to seven

7:30 quarter past eleven

6:45 half past eight

11:15 half past seven

2. Перепишите предложения в отрицательной фoрме.

Пример: I have to cook dinner. – I don’t have to cook dinner.

Meg has to go to bed. – Meg doesn’t have to go to bed.

  1. Susan has to clean her room.
  2. Tom and Mike have to fix their car.
  3. You have to wash the dishes.
  4. My grandpa and grandma have to go to the hospital.
  5. I have to clean my teeth.
  6. We have to eat apples for breakfast.

3. Соедини профессии и действие, составь предложение по примеру.

Пример: A waiter serves people.

A baker help sick people

A mechanic teach pupils

A nurse sell fruit

A teacher take letters to people

A greengrocer fix cars

A postman bake bread

4. Переведи выражения на русский язык, впиши в предложения.

  1. I ________________ go to school.
  2. I________________ ride a bike.
  3. I _______________ play the piano.
  4. I _______________ play football.
  5. I _______________go shopping.

5. Впиши буквосочетания ir, er,ur.

Предварительный просмотр:

Module 3. Tasty Treats.

1. Отметь, где мы можем употребить “some ”.

1) olive oil 2) jam 3) play 4) juice 5) read 6) porridge 7) ride 8) chips

2. Find the odd word out (Найди лишнее слово):

1) a carton of milk / yogurt /chicken

2) a packet of meat / spaghetti /biscuits

3) a jar of cola / honey / jam

4) a bottle of lemonade / water / flour

3. Choose and write: How much / how many.

1. ______________ cheese have you got?

2. _________________ milk is there in the fridge?

3. _________________ apples do you need for your cake?

4. _______________ pepper do you add (добавляешь) in your porridge?

5. ____________ packets of biscuits have you got?

4. Choose and write: a lot / many / much:

1. There isn’t ____________ sugar in the tea.

2. There are ______________of oranges and mangoes in the basket.

3. Are there ____________ potatoes at home? – Yes, there are ___________.

4. Are there _____________ eggs in the fridge? — No, not ______________.

5. How ______________ milk do you drink every day? – Not _______________.

5. Match the phrases (Соотнеси фразы).

1 May I leave the classroom?

a) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

2 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

b) I think only two.

3 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

c) No, you may not. It’s still too hot.

4 How many lemons do we need?

d) Yes, but don’t be too long.

5 May I taste the apple pie now?

e) No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen!

6. Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквы Gg.

Fridge, mango, green, orange, garden, gym, magic, sugar.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 4 Module 4

  1. Открой скобки, используя сравнительную степень прилагательных. Переведи.
  1. Образец : A dolphin is cleverer ( clever) than a whale.
  2. A kangaroo is (big ) ______________than a lizard.
  3. A tiger is ( tall ) _________________than a dog.
  4. A hippo is ( fat )_________________ than a seal.
  5. A monkey is ( funny ) _____________than a parrot.
  1. Выбери правильный ответ.
  1. You must/ mustn’t eat with your hands.
  2. You must/ mustn’t go to bed late.
  3. You must/ mustn’t read books every day.
  4. You must/ mustn’t do your homework.

3 . Расставь названия месяцев в правильном порядке. Переведи на русский язык.

  1. December 1. January-январь
  2. March
  3. June
  4. September
  5. January
  6. April
  7. July
  8. October
  9. February
  10. May
  11. August
  12. November

4. Выбери нужную форму глагола.

1. Seals always (clap / are clapping) at lunchtime.

2. Seals (clap / are clapping) now.

3. Dolphins usually (play / are playing) in the sea.

4. Sam is in the kitchen. He (eats / is eating).

5. Look at the lizard! It (sits / is sitting) in the sun.

5 . Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквосочетания OO.

Wood, school, book, too, zoo, look, foot, room.

Предварительный просмотр:

MODULE 5 “Where were you yesterday?”

1. Напиши цифрами.

1. twenty second-22 nd

2. Напиши даты полностью.

  1. 22 nd of June- the twenty second of June
  2. 14 th of April-
  3. 26 th of October-
  4. 3 rd of August-
  5. 29 th of May-
  6. 31 st of October-

3. Посмотри и выбери.

4. Вставь Was или Were.

1. It ____________ Vicky’s birthday.

2. She __________ in the garden.

3. The trees __________ green.

4. The day ________ nice.

5. We _________ in the park.

6. I _________ at home.

5. Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквы Aa.

Предварительный просмотр:

MODULE 6 “Tell the tale!”

  1. Прочитай текст и подчеркни глаголы в прошедшем времени.

It was Sunday yesterday. There were a lot of children in the park. Nina and Sasha played badminton. Tim wanted to fly the kite but it wasn’t windy. Sergey tried to ride his bike but he needed help. Maxim helped him to fix the bike. Victor panted his face and the children laughed. Their parents watched them.

  1. Переведи на русский язык.
  1. Maya watched TV on Monday.
  2. Lida cooked lunch yesterday.
  3. I washed the dishes after lunch.
  4. They played games last night.
  1. Напиши, что это не так.

Образец: Lida watched TV last night. — Lida didn’t watch TV last night.

  1. Ann walked the cat yesterday.
  2. Kate visited her grandpa last week.
  3. They lived in Kiev last year.

Образец: Seva lived in Toronto last year. — Did Seva live in Toronto last year?

  1. Kate talked to her friend last night.
  2. We fixed our father’s car last week.
  3. You watched cartoons last night.
  1. Распредели слова в зависимости от правил чтения окончания —ed.

liked, loved, wanted , stayed, cleaned, started, needed, worked, hoped.

  1. Прочитай слова и найди их значение.
  1. racer a)отдыхать
  2. to laugh b)заяц
  3. rest c) вдруг
  4. winner d) бегун
  5. suddenly e)далёкий
  6. fast f)смеяться
  7. far g) быстрый
  8. hare h) победитель

Предварительный просмотр:

MODULE 7 “Days to remember!”

I. Вставь пропущенные слова.

shy, strong, loud, pretty, kind

1. He is very _____________! He always helps me with my homework.

2. Little Anna is a very _________ baby! Everyone likes her!

3. He shouts all the time! He’s a very ___________ person!

4. Nick is very ___________! He can carry big boxes!

5. Ben is very ______________! He never says a word!

II. Используй прилагательное в нужной форме.

1. This is the ________________(fast) car in the world.

2. Brian is ___________________(good) than me.

3. This is the _________________(big) toy shop in my town.

4. The blue dress is ____________ (nice) than the red dress.

5. Tim is _____________________(short) than Mike.

III. Раскрой скобки, поставь глагол в прошедшее время.

1. Mum ____________________ (make) a cake yesterday.

2. Peter _____________________(write) an e-mail to his friend last night.

3. I ________________________(see) your sister at the theatre last week.

4. The girls _____________________(buy) new T-shirts last Saturday.

5. Harry ________________________(eat) a salad for lunch.

IV. Построй отрицательное предложение.

1. Jenny rode a horse last Sunday. _______________________________________________________

2. Corky drank orange juice yesterday morning. _____________________________________________

3. We swam in the sea last summer. ______________________________________________________

V. Ask and answer.

1. They went to the cinema yesterday. ___________________________________________________

2. He sang songs at school. ________________________________________________________

3. Mike and Ben came home at 5 pm yesterday. ___________________________________________