Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 1-2 классаматериал по иностранному языку (1, 2 класс) по теме

B: To me, job satisfaction isn’t just a quick promotion or good money. I want to feel useful.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку (10 класс)

1. decade a) to persua de someone or make them cer tain:

2. invention b)a little

3. maintain c) a peri od of ten yea rs

4. convince d) something that has never been made before

5. slightly e) t o ma ke s ure th at somethi ng st ays a t th e sa me le vel, r ate, or st andard

Task II. Listen to a part of a radio programme and make notes on the following:

1. Date of the event –

2. Name of the event –

3. Number of people –

4. Number of cities –

Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F):

1. Many cars will be given away free to poor people on Car Free Day. –

2. The day forms part of Europe’s Mobility Week. –

3. The theme in Europe this year is “Clever Computing”. –

Task III. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Mind the degrees of comparison.

1. Компьютер – намного полезнее телефона.

2. Сегодня погода немного теплее, чем вчера.

3. Интернет – самая важная вещь для меня.

Task IV. Open the brackets and choose the right form of the verb: ing— form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to.

1. How about ………………… (order) a pizza tonight?

2. You must ………………… (report) the incident to the police, Charles!

3. It’s too late …………………… (apply) for a job. The closing day was yesterday.

4. We love ……………………. (play) football as a family.

5. She is not old enough ………………….. (speak) to me in such a rude voice!

Task V. Answer the question (write down no less than 4-5 sentences).

Imagine that you could only use ONE of the following: a fridge, a mobile phone or a camera. Which one would you choose and why?