Контрольная работа для по английскому языку 8 класса I четвертьтест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 8 класс

1. Choose the topic to which the following words belong.

Soap opera, quiz show, channel, news

A) internet B) television C) newspaper D) magazine

2. Choose the word to complete the sentence.

A) film B) life C) book D) conversation

3. Match the type of program with its definition.

1. A talk show is

a) is a form of game or mind sport in which the players (as individuals or in teams) attempt to answer questions correctly.

b) is a program, which gives facts and information about a particular subject.

3. A documentary

c) is a program o in which one person (or group of people) discusses various topics put forth by a talk show host.[

d) is a serial drama on television which features related story lines about the lives of many characters. The stories usually focus on emotional relationships to the point of melodrama

A) 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b B) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d

C) 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a D) 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a

4. Solve the riddle.

What runs but never walks?

A) a film B) a life C) a river D) time

5. Where can you see these notices? Choose the correct answer.

A) 1b, 2a, 3b, 4a, B) 1a, 2a, 3b, 4b,

C) 1b, 2b, 3a, 4a, D) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4a,

6. Choose the correct variant.

A) 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b,6b, 7b, 8b B) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8b

C) 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8a D) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7b, 8a

1. a) late b) later

2. a) more b) most

3. a) end b) ending

4. a) among b) between

5. a) late b) later

6. a) other b) another

8. a) which b) who

7. Complete each sentence with the correct participle.

Lira: You must be (1)

____________(thrill). Chicago is an

There are so many (3)

____________(interest) things to do.

____________(bore) in this city!

Natalie: Honestly, I`m a little bit (5) ____________(scare) because my English is very poor.

I think that people will find it even (6) ____________(amuse).

Lira: Don`t worry! I`m sure your trip will be really (7) ____________(excite).

A) 1 thrilled, 2 amazing, 3 interesting, 4 bored, 5 scared, 6 amusing, 7 exciting

B) 1 thrilled, 2 amazing, 3 interesting, 4 boring, 5 scaring, 6 amused, 7 exciting

C) 1 thrilled, 2 amazing, 3 interested, 4 boring, 5 scared, 6 amusing, 7 exciting

D) 1 thrilled, 2 amazed, 3 interesting, 4 bored, 5 scared, 6 amusing, 7 excited

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

Ellie is a fashion designer. She (1)_______________(make)

clothes ever since she (2)_______________(be) a little girl.

She (3)_______________ (get) her first job in a small

clothes workshop when she was seventeen. She

(4)_______________ (sew) zips ( молния ) onto a skirt one

day when she (5)_______________ (have) a brilliant idea

for a design. She (6)_______________ (speak) to her bank manager, got a loan ( получила

кредит ), and (7)_______________ (open) her own workshop. Since then she

(8)_______________ (earn) a lot of money. Many famous film stars and singers often

(9)_______________ (buy) her clothes nowadays.

A) 1 has been making, 2 is, 3 got, 4 sew, 5 had, 6 spoke, 7 opened, 8 has earned, 9 buy

B) 1 has been making, 2 was, 3 got, 4 was sewing, 5 has had, 6 was speaking, 7 opened, 8

has earned, 9 buy

C) 1 made, 2 was, 3 got, 4 was sewing, 5 had, 6 spoke, 7 opened, 8 earned, 9 bought

D) 1 has been making, 2 was, 3 got, 4 was sewing, 5 had, 6 spoke, 7 opened, 8 has earned, 9

9. How well do you know Britain? Choose the correct variant.

1. What is the capital of Wales?

a) London b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh

2. Where were the Beatles from?

a) Liverpool b) Manchester c) London

3. Where did Sherlock Holmes Live?

a) Buckingham Palace b) 10 Downing Street c) 221b Baker Street

4. Where is Stonehenge situated?

5. What plant is the symbol of Wales?

A) 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5b B) 1c, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b

C) 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5c D) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5c

10. Make up the question from the given words.

designed / first / who / helicopter / world’s / the?

A) 6, 5, 2, 4, 3, 1 B) 3, 1, 6, 5, 2, 4

C) 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 D) 3, 6, 5, 2, 4, 1

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Контрольная работа для по английскому языку 8 класса I четверть
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Example : She was a Science teacher. She isn’t now. — She used to be a Science teacher.

1. Jim played in the team last year. He doesn’t play anymore.

2. I knew few famous people. Now many of them are my friends.

3. My granny enjoyed knitting. Now she prefers outdoor activities.

4. My skin looked pale in spring. Now I’m sun-tanned.

5. We didn’t have a dishwasher when I was little.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
  1. He ________ his job. (like)
  2. We _____ you are busy today. (know)
  3. _____you ______ in god? (believe)
  4. _____ they ____ with my answer? (agree)
  5. I am sorry but I _____ _______ (understand).
  1. Fill in the gaps with don’t, doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t or am not .

1. We … watching a television programme now.

2. We … watch television every day.

3. It… raining very hard at the moment.

4. I … hear you well. 5. It… rain very much in summer.

6. Mr Johnson … eating his lunch now.

7. Mr Johnson … always eat at that cafe.

8. I… see any students in that room.

9. They … like milk for lunch.

10. He … have money for a new car.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку (углублённый курс изучения) по грамматике, лексике и письму по теме: «Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка. Мир вокруг нас» (II четверть). 5 класс.

Контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку (углублённый курс изучения) по грамматике, лексике и письму по теме: «Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка. Мир вокруг нас» (II че.

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Цель контрольной работы: учебный аспект:контроль уровня сформированности лексических навыков по теме;контроль уровня сформированности грамматических навыков по изученным темам.

Контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку (углублённый курс изучения) по лексике, грамматике и чтению по теме «Погода и одежда». III четверть. 3 класс.

Пояснительная записка Цель контрольной работы:учебный аспект:· контроль навыков чтения текста в режиме ознаком.

Контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку по циклу «Живём вместе». (3 четверть). 6 класс.

Пояснительная запискаЦель контрольной работы: учебный аспект:контроль уровня сформированности лексических навыков по теме;контроль уровня сформированности грамматических навыков по изученным тем.

Контрольная работа УМК «Enjoy English» 3 класс 1 четверть

Контрольная работа УМК «Enjoy English» 3 класс 1 четверть.

Контрольная работа по Биболетовой для 10 класса, 3 четверт

Контрольная абота включает в себя:1. Пути выражения будущего.2. Второй тип условных предложений( Conditionals 2)3. Третий тип условных предложений ( Conditionals 3).

Контрольные работы по английскому языку 8 класс

1.He will translate the text if he _________a dictionary at hand.

a) will have b) has c) would have d) have

2.My friend is interested _________ architecture.

a) in b) on c) about d) for

3.When I entered the room, she ___________ on the sofa.

a) lay b) is lying c) was lieing d) was lying

4.John ___________take a taxi because he was late.

a) could b) was to c) was able to d) had to

5.Do you mind _________?

a) my smoking b) me smoke c) I smoke d) to smoke

6.What made you _________ such a stupid thing?

a) to do b) do c) did d) have done

7.If I were you, I _________ a house in the country

a) bought b) would buy c) will buy d) would bought

8.Mary hasn’t any spare time and ___________.

a) neither have I b) either have I c) so I d) I haven’t too.

9.We had better _________ if we want to get there before dark.

a) to hurry up b) hurry up c) hurried up d) hurrying up

10.This film _________.

a) is much spoken about b) is speaking much about c) speaks much about

II. Which is right?

1.He sings ________ (nice / nicely).

2.Ann felt _______ (bad / badly) yesterday.

3.We were _____ ( hungry / hungrily), so we ate dinner ______(quick / quickly).

4.Be _________ (quiet / quietly)! The baby is sleeping!

5.The bed looked ________ (comfortable / comfortably).

6.She worked ____ (hard / hardly), but her mother still wasn’t ____ (happy / happily).

III. Fill the gaps with a verb from the brackets in the correct tense.

At Home on a Train

Pat and Ronald Thomas (not live) 1____________________in a caravan, but their home

(travel) 2____________________ more miles than any other house in Britain! Their house (make) 3_______________________ from a pair of Victorian railway carriages, and they (live) 4_______________________ there for ten years.

“I (not want) 5 _______________________ to live in a train at first,” admits Pat, “but when I (see) 6___________that this train had a garden with a stream, I just (fall) 7_______________ in love with it. We (buy) 8______________________ it from an old lady, and she (do) 9_____________ already_____________ a lot of work on it. But there is a lot left to do and we (make) 10 ________________still ________________ improvements.”

IV. Read the texts and answer the questions. Write A, B, or C.

A Billy Elliot

Stephen Daldry’s first feature film is set in the north-east of England during the miner’s strike of 1984. A motherless boy, Billy Elliot, from a mining village, takes up dancing against the wishes of his father and elder brother. Regrettably, the depiction of the working classes of that time is rather stereotypical.

The heart of the film, however, is in relationship that Billy strikes up with his dance teacher. Mrs Wilkinson is a soul who finds as much genuine pleasure in the talent and hope of this 11-year-old as she does in the discipline and support that she provides for him.

B Bend it like Beckham

Football’s uncommon ability to bring a nation together is celebrated in this sweet, positive youth movie. Set in modern-day London, the film tells the story of Tess, whose two greatest loves in life are David Beckham and kicking a ball about.

Unfortunately, her family cling to traditional Asian values, and while they’re willing to tolerate her fanaticism the very idea of their daughter joining a local girls’ team makes them angry.

Actresses Paraminder Nagra and Keira Knightly both have personalities, but credit should also go to the writer and director for getting the balance right between humor and pathos, sporting and romantic action.

C Cinema Paradiso

A successful movie director in his 40s, Salvatore returns home to Sicily after hearing of the death of Alfredo, the ex-projectionist at the village cinema. Most of the film is a flashback to Salvatore’s World War II childhood and adolescence when, obsessed by movies, he is befriended by the wise Alfredo. Their bond is one that contains many highlights and tragedies and shapes the way for Salvatore to move out of his run-down village to pursue a dream.

Which film or films…

  1. is not set in the UK?_________________
  2. was difficult to film?_________________
  3. is set in the 21 st century_______________
  4. are about young people who have ambitions that their parents don’t support?_______
  5. is the first film by the director? ______________________
  6. takes place over two different periods of time?_____________

Ответы — Вариант 1



3 – hungry, quickly;


2 – has traveled

4 – have lived / have been living

9 – had already done

10 – have worked / are working / have been working


Вариант 2

I.Choose the correct variant.

1.I wish I ________ nearer my work because it takes me much time to get there.

a) live b) will live c) had lived d) lived

2.The car isn’t worth __________.

a) to repair b) repairing c) to be repaired d) being repaired

3.You _________ a lovely song when I entered the room.

a) sang b) had sung c) was singing d) were singing

4.She wanted Tom _________ beside her and hold the umbrella.

a) to stand b) stand c) was standing d) stood

5.There isn’t a cloud in the sky. Yesterday there wasn’t cloudy _______.

a) too b) neither c) also d) either

6.You are wrong. You had better _________ again.

a) to try b) trying c) tried d) try

7.He looks worn out. He ___________ a sleepless night.

a) must have b) can have c) must have had d) can have had

8.Our daughter is good __________ foreign languages.

a) with b) for c) in d) at

9.If he__________ London by train, he will get there on Wednesday.

a) leaves for b) will leave for c) leave for d) left for

10.This isn’t my textbook, __________ is at home.

a) my b) mine c) mine book d) mine one

II.Which is right?

1.The porridge looked so ________ (good / well) that the girl could ____________ (hard / hardly) wait to eat it.

2.The dog looked _________ (hungry / hungrily) at the meat.

3.Her English is ________ (good / well). She speaks English ________(good / well).

4.He felt _________ (sad / sadly) when he heard the news.

5.That puzzle looks __________ (easy / easily). He can do it ________ (easy / easily).

6.This salad tastes ___________ (terrible / terribly)

III. Fill the gaps with a verb from the brackets in the correct tense.

He was killed by his own invention

Rueben Tice was an electrician from Monterey, California but in his spare time he was also an inventor. His first invention was an idea for chilling cocktail glasses but it (not be) 1________ successful.

In the winter of 1977 he (work) 2 _______________________ on his latest invention. That was an amusing device to take wrinkles out of prunes. He (not sleep) 3 ___________________

for six nights, because he (put) 4 ______________________ the final touches to his great discovery. He was nearly ready to share it with the world.

Unfortunately for mankind, the machine (explode) 5 _________________ with a loud bang and Rueben (hit) 6 ______________________ on the head by a large metal road. He (kill) 7___________________ instantly. His dead body (cover) 8 ___________________ in thousand of prunes. Unfortunately they were still wrinkled!

IV.Read the texts and answer the questions. Write A, B, or C.

A Billy Elliot

Stephen Daldry’s first feature film is set in the north-east of England during the miner’s strike of 1984. A motherless boy, Billy Elliot, from a mining village, takes up dancing against the wishes of his father and elder brother. Regrettably, the depiction of the working classes of that time is rather stereotypical.

The heart of the film, however, is in relationship that Billy strikes up with his dance teacher. Mrs Wilkinson is a soul who finds as much genuine pleasure in the talent and hope of this 11-year-old as she does in the discipline and support that she provides for him.

B Bend it like Beckham

Football’s uncommon ability to bring a nation together is celebrated in this sweet, positive youth movie. Set in modern-day London, the film tells the story of Tess, whose two greatest loves in life are David Beckham and kicking a ball about.

Unfortunately, her family cling to traditional Asian values, and while they’re willing to tolerate her fanaticism the very idea of their daughter joining a local girls’ team makes them angry.

Actresses Paraminder Nagra and Keira Knightly both have personalities, but credit should also go to the writer and director for getting the balance right between humor and pathos, sporting and romantic action.

C Cinema Paradiso

A successful movie director in his 40s, Salvatore returns home to Sicily after hearing of the death of Alfredo, the ex-projectionist at the village cinema. Most of the film is a flashback to Salvatore’s World War II childhood and adolescence when, obsessed by movies, he is befriended by the wise Alfredo. Their bond is one that contains many highlights and tragedies and shapes the way for Salvatore to move out of his run-down village to pursue a dream.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку. 8 класс

Ваши документы готовы. Если у вас не получается скачать их, открыть или вы допустили ошибку, просьба написать нам на электронную почту konkurs@edu-time.ru (обязательно укажите номер публикации в письме)

Годовая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

8 класс УМК K.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru»

Составитель : учитель английского языка

Годовая контрольная работа

Блок А . Complete the sentences:

А 1. On Valentine’s Day people send …………..

А2. In the UK there are two Houses in the Parliament: the House of Commons and …………

А 3. When the Queen arrives in the House of Lords to open the Parliament, she sits on ……………

A 4.If you copy the report that somebody else has written, it is ……………

A 5.There are two main types of newspapers in the UK: broadsheets and ……..

Блок В. Choose the right answer:

В 1. I hope he’ll get …. this disease.

a)up b)over c)back d)away

В2. My friend …. on the project for two weeks.

a)work b)worked c)has been working d)have been working

В3. It wasa very difficult text. I …. look up a lot of words in the dictionary.

a)must b)have to c)had to d)can

B 4.They can’t buy a car now but they …. buy it next year.

a)had to b)must c)will be able to d)should

B 5. You …. give up smoking.

a)has to b)should c)may d)mustn’t

B 6.The contract …. two days ago.

a)was signed b)signed c)will be signed d)is signed

B 7.The work …. tomorrow.

a)has been done b)will be done c)was done d)does

B 8.I didn’t like the new book. It was …. Interesting …. useful.

a)both … and b)either … or c)and …and d)neither … nor

B 9.He never thinks about his family. He always thinks about …

a)himself b)herself c)him d)he

B10. Kate has cooked dinner …

a)herself b)myself c)she d)her

БлокС. You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:

…I don’t think it will be a problem for me to choose a good job in the future as I’m really interested in foreign languages, cultures and countries and I hope I’ll work as a translator or teacher of foreign languages some day. Have you already decided on your career? What job are you going to choose? Why?

I’ve lived in the USA my whole life but I’d really love to travel to other countries…

Write a letter to Tom.

answer his questions

ask 3 questions about his plans for travelling

Write 100-140 words

I was very glad ……….. . Sorry ……….. . How are you getting on?

In your letter you tell me about your future profession and ask me about my choice. Of course I have decided on my future career. As for me I want to become ………….. .

I know that you are fond of travelling. ………………………………………. .

I must finish my letter because ……………………. .

Годовая контрольная работа

Блок А. Complete the sentences:

A1. Valentine’s Day is on …………..

A2. In the UK there are two Houses in the Parliament: the House of Lords and ……………

A3. …………. Sits on the Woolsack and presides over the House of Lords

A4. If you used somebody’s ideas and thoughts in your report, you should make a reference to the author and use quotation ………..

A5. Originally broadsheets was bigger than …………..

БлокВ. Choose the right answer:

B1. Some people get … at 7 a.m. every day.

a)up b)over c)back d)on

B2. The boys … football for two hours.

a)play b)are playing c)have been playing d)played

B3. When my parents went to school, they … do homework every day.

a)should b)had to c)have to d)can

B4. We … see this film tomorrow.

a)will be able to b)can c)must d)were able to

B5. You … take a bus to get to the museum. It is far from here.

a)has to b)mustn’t c)may d)should

B6. The room … every day.

a)is cleaned b)cleaned c)has cleaned d)clean

B7. A new car … tomorrow.

a)was bought b)will buy c)will be bought d)have been bought

B8. … crocodiles … cats can play football.

a)neither … nor b)and … and c)both … and d)either … or

B9. Mike has translated this text … .

a)his b)himself c)ourselves d)he

B10. I couldn’t answer this questions … . And I asked our teacher.

a)herself b)my c)myself d)me

Блок С. You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend Andrew who writes:

… My dad bought me a laptop yesterday. It’s cool! Now I can play computer games everywhere! But it drives my mum crazy. She says that all computer shooting games are stupid.

What do teenagers in your country do in their free time? Do you like or dislike computer games? What do you use computers for?