Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме «Школа»

3. Допиши не менее 3 словосочетаний.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса

Тест по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Темы, проверяемые в тесте: лексика по теме « School »; использование времен группы Simple ; образование Tag – questions ; использование глаголов speak , say , tell ; образование существительных при помощи суффиксов – er , — or , — ist и др.

Инструкция к выполнению задания :

Задание 1: учащимся нужно письменно ответить на заданные вопросы, ответ записывают на строчке, данной ниже вопроса.

Задание 2: учащимся нужно выбрать и обвести глагол в правильной временной форме, для удобства определения спутники времени в каждом предложении подчеркнуты.

Задание 3: учащимся нужно образовать и дописать в место пропуска вторую часть разделительного вопроса.

Задание 4: учащимся нужно выбрать и записать в место пропуска один из глаголов говорения, приведенных в задании.

Задание 5: учащимся нужно дополнить предложения, образовав при помощи суффиксов, данных в задании, существительные от слов, данных в скобках. Образованные существительные вписывают в место пропуска.

Name_____________ Surname________________

Test in English

5 th form

Hello! Nice to see you again!

1.Answer the questions in written form.

1.Do you like going to school?

2.What is your timetable for today?

3.What do you do in English lesson?

4.What school clubs do you visit?

2.Choose the word in the right form .

1) I ….. to school every day.

a) go; b)will go; c)went;

2) My mother … Moscow last year.

a)visits; b)will visit; c)visited ;

3 ) She … good English. She is my friend.

a)speaks; b)will speak; c)spoke;

4)I … to the village next summer.

a) go; b)will go; c)went;

5)My father often … food in this supermarket.

a) buys; b)will buy; c)bought;

6.Where … your parents last week?

a) are b) was c) were;

7.Nick … to school every day.

a) goes b) went c) will go;

8.Jane … not … bread and milk tomorrow .

a)did … buy b) will… buy c) does … buy;

9.I usually … my mother and my father in the evening.

a) helped b) helps c) help;

10)They … to the Zoo next week.

a)goes b) will go c) went;

11)There … a bookshelf with books in my room.

3. Complete the Tag endings .

1. My brother will clean his room, … ?

2. We enjoy ed the nature, … ?

3. My dogs aren’t so aggressive, … ?

4. John doesn’t miss English lessons, … ?

5. My student was happy to go abroad, … ?

6. Nick was not from London, … ?

7. Our students like to play basketball, … ?

8. We can’t roller-skate, … ?

9. My sister will not clean this cabinet every morning, … ?

10. His puppy ( щенок ) doesn’t play with a ball, … ?

11. My friends are from Boston, … ?

12. His friends play ed football yesterday, … ?

13. I can speak English, … ?

14. John swim s in the river every weekend, … ?

4. Fill in speak , tell or say .

1) Students from the fifth form … good Russian.

2) They … “East or west home is best”.

3) My classmates … me about drawing club.

5. Complete the sentences. Make new words using – er, -ist, -man, -ian.

1)Our history … always tells us very interesting stories. (to teach)

2)My brother likes drawing. I think he will be a famous … .(art)

3)What is this film about? – A well – known … . (sport)

1. Answer the questions in written form.

1. Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

My timetable for today is……

In English lesson we ….

2. Choose the word in the right form .

3. Complete the Tag endings .

1. My brother will clean his room, won’t he ?

2. We enjoy ed the nature, didn’t we ?

3. My dogs aren’t so aggressive, are they ?

4. John doesn’t miss English lessons, does he ?

5. My student was happy to go abroad, wasn’t he ?

6. Nick was not from London, was he ?

7. Our students like to play basketball, don’t they ?

8. We can’t roller-skate, can we ?

9. My sister will not clean this cabinet every morning, will she ?

10. His puppy ( щенок ) doesn’t play with a ball, does it ?

11. My friends are from Boston, aren’t they ?

12. His friends play ed football yesterday, didn’t they ?

13. I can speak English, can’t I?

14. John swim s in the river every weekend, doesn’t he ?

4. Fill in speak , tell or say .

5.Complete the sentences. Make new words using – er, -ist, -man, -ian.