Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса

Что делать: Собери слово из предложенных букв.

Как делать: Прочитай слово по-русски. Посмотри на английские буквы. Напиши английское слово с этим же значением, поставив в нужном порядке.

Пример : 0 редко mlsdeo _____ seldom _______________

1. забывать retfgo ___________________________

2.который hchwi ___________________________

3. родственники elavirets _________________________

4 . никто dbyoon __________________________

5. мебель retuunirf _________________________

Что делать: Подбери слово к его описанию.

Как делать: Прочитай предложения 1-5. Прочитай слова в рамке. Выбери нужное слово и нужное слово и впиши его в отведенный пропуск.

Внимание! Слов больше, чем описаний.

Пример : 0. A container you use for carrying things.

A very useful thing when it is raining.

A beautiful line of colours that appears in the sky after the rain.

A thick tropical forest.

It carries its baby in the bag.

A summer shirt with short sleeves.

Monkeys T-shirt desert jungle top

Umbrella rainbow kangaroo bag

Что делать: Найди пять ошибок в тексте.

Как делать: Прочитай текст. Найди в тексте пять ошибок и подчеркни их. Перепиши текст без ошибок.

Lovely Mum and Dad,

How are you? It’s so nice here in countryside. At the moment, I at the river. I go swim every day. The weather is fantastic. It’s sunny and there aren’t some clouds in the sky. When it rain I stay at home and red books.

I miss you a lot. Try to find time to come here next week!

Dear Mum and Dad,

Что делать: Задай пять вопросов.

Как делать: Прочитай каждый ответ. Подумай, какие вопросы были заданы, и запиши их в отведённые пропуски.

Пример : 0 What is your name ?

My name is Ann .

This is my mother’s car.

Yesterday I watched TV.

Nick plays tennis twice a week.

Что делать: Заполни пропуски.

Как делать: Прочитай каждый ответ. Вставь одно подходящее по смыслу слово в каждый пропуск.

Внимание! В каждый пропуск можно вставить только одно слово.

Way to School

Пример : It was early in the morning and Wendy was ready to go 0. _________ to ________ school. She locked the 1_______________, put the key in the pocket and ran to school. On the way to school she 2_____________ some friends. They saw a nice drown dog with four little funny 3. Friends decided to play with them. Wendy had a 4_________ with cheese and gave it to the dog. Children played with the dogs for an 5.__________ and forgot about school. When they came to school the first lesson was over.

Что делать: Прочитай текст и утверждения после текста. Согласись или не согласись с этими утверждениями.

Как делать: Прочитай текст. Прочитай утверждения после текста. Подчеркни слово “ True ”, если ты согласен с утверждением , и “ False ”, если не согласен.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is the most famous of all English writers.

People say that are two books you will always find in an English home, the Bible and the Works of William Shakespeare.

Shakespeare was born in Strafford-on-Avon. In 1564 and died there in 1616.

He married Anne Hathaway. For some time he worked as a teacher in the neighborhood of Stratford-on- Avon.

In 1586 he went to London and became an actor. He worked at the Globe Theatre. He started to write plays and poems.

The most well known plays are “Romeo and Juliet” and “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

Пример : 0 Shakespeare is the most famous of all books at home. True /False

English people usually have only two books at home. True/False

Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon. True/False

Shakespeare died in London. True/False

In 1586 he became an artist. True/ False

His plays “Romeo and Juliet “ and “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” are very popular. True/False

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса

Краткая аннотация: контрольная работа для 4х классов состоит из двух вариантов. Каждый вариант содержит 4 части: аудирование, чтение, лексика и письмо. Время выполнения работы: 45 минут. Ответы к контрольной работе можно найти в файле, который необходимо скачать.

    по английскому языку

I вариант


Прочитай пять вопросов. Прочитай варианты ответов. Послушай пять мини-диалогов и подчеркни нужный ответ напротив каждого вопроса.

Прослушай пример. Ты услышишь запись каждого диалога два раза.

Пример: 0. What is Ann good at? swimming/dancing

1.What is Bill’s mother? teacher/doctor

2.How old is Jill’s niece? 13/14

3.When did Paul go to the theatre? last week/last month

4.What does Kate like to read? books/magazines

5.What day does David go to his guitar lesson? Tuesday/Thursday


Текст “Snow-White”

Прочитай текст и предложенные слова для каждого пропуска. Впиши подходящее по смыслу слово в пропуск.

Пример: Once upon a 0. time there lived a beautiful young princess called Snow-White. Her mother 1.________ when she was born. Snow-White’s father, 2.___________, married again. His new Queen was a beautiful but 3.___________ woman. She 4.__________ a magic mirror. Every day the Queen asked it the same question: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the 5.______________ of us all?”

  1. time b) day c) month
  1. а) smiled b) cried c) died
  2. a) the Prince b) the King c) the Tsar
  3. a) happy b) angry c) kind
  4. a) made b) was c) had
  5. a) happiest b) worst c) best

Текст “A Nice Day”

Прочитай текст. Прочитай вопросы. Запиши ответы в пропуски рядом с вопросами. Используй не более четырех слов в каждом ответе.

Dan’s family is not big. He lives with his mother and father. Dan’s father is usually very busy at work. He is free only at weekends and he always spends them with his son and wife.

On Sunday Dan woke up and looked at the clock. It was nine. He got up and his mother called him for breakfast. After breakfast Dan and his father went for a walk to the park. There they saw a squirrel and played with it.

When they came home they had lunch. Then mother said that there was an interesting film on TV. “I’d like to watch it very much,” said Dan. In the evening Dan was busy. He wrote a letter to his friend who lives in Manchester. It was a very nice day!

Пример: 0. How many people are there in Dan’s family? three__________

      When does Dan spend time with his father? ____________________
        What time did Dan get up on Sunday?__________________________
          Where did Dan and his father see a squirrel?_________________________
            What did Dan want to watch on TV?___________________________________
              When did Dan write a letter to his friend?___________________________

            Лексические навыки

            Прочитай предложения 1-5. Переведи русские слова и выражения, данные в скобках на английский язык, и запиши их в пропуски.

            Пример: 0.What is (его) his_____ name?

            1.I usually do my homework (вечером)_________________________________.

            1. We always (обедаем)___________________________________ at 2 o’clock.
            2. I (позвоню)_________________________________________ you tomorrow.
            3. Yesterday they (ходили в)________________________________ the cinema.
            4. I go to school (на автобусе)_____________________________________.


            Прочитай письмо Тома и напиши ответ. Используй письмо Тома как образец для твоего письма. В твоем письме должна быть следующая информация: your name; your age; where you live; your school; your likes.

            My name is Tom. I’m eleven years old. I live in Strawberry with my mother and father. My mother works at school, she is a teacher and my father is a driver. I have no sisters and brothers.

            I go to Strawberry school. I’m in the fifth grade. My favourite subject is Maths. I like playing computer games very much.

            What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you go to school? What grade are you in? What are your favourite subjects? Do you have any hobbies?

            II вариант


            Прочитай пять вопросов. Прочитай варианты ответов. Послушай пять мини-диалогов и подчеркни нужный ответ напротив каждого вопроса.

            Прослушай пример. Ты услышишь запись каждого диалога два раза.

            Пример: 0. What is Ann good at? swimming/dancing

            1.What is Bill’s mother? teacher/doctor
            2.How old is Jill’s niece? 13/14
            3.When did Paul go to the theatre? last week/last month
            4.What does Kate like to read? books/magazines
            5.What day does David go to his guitar lesson? Tuesday/Thursday


            Текст “Snow White”

            Прочитай текст и предложенные слова для каждого пропуска. Впиши подходящее по смыслу слово в пропуск.

            Пример: Once upon a 0. time there lived a beautiful young princess called Snow-White. Her mother 1.________ when she was born. Snow-White’s father, 2.___________, married again. His new Queen was a beautiful but 3.___________ woman. She 4.__________ a magic mirror. Every day the Queen asked it the same question: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the 5.______________ of us all?”

            1. a) time b) day c) month
            1. a) smiled b) cried c) died
            2. a) the Prince b) the King c) the Tsar
            3. a) happy b) angry c) kind
            4. a) made b) was c) had
            5. a) happiest b) worst c) best

            Текст “A Nice Day”

            Прочитай текст. Прочитай вопросы. Запиши ответы в пропуски рядом с вопросами. Используй не более четырех слов в каждом ответе.

            Dan’s family is not big. He lives with his mother and father. Dan’s father is usually very busy at work. He is free only at weekends and he always spends them with his son and wife.

            On Sunday Dan woke up and looked at the clock. It was nine. He got up and his mother called him for breakfast. After breakfast Dan and his father went for a walk to the park. There they saw a squirrel and played with it.

            When they came home they had lunch. Then mother said that there was an interesting film on TV. “I’d like to watch it very much,” said Dan. In the evening Dan was busy. He wrote a letter to his friend who lives in Manchester. It was a very nice day!

            Пример: 0. How many people are there in Dan’s family? three__________

            1. When does Dan spend time with his father?__________________
            2. What time did Dan get up on Sunday?________________
            3. Where did Dan and his father see a squirrel?___________
            4. What did Dan want to watch on TV?____________________
            5. When did Dan write a letter to his friend?_______________

            Лексические навыки

            Прочитай предложения 1-5. Переведи русские слова и выражения, данные в скобках на английский язык, и запиши их в пропуски.

            Пример: 0.What is (его) his_____ name?

            1.I usually do my homework (вечером)__________________________________.

            1. We always (обедаем)__________________________________ at 2 o’clock.
            2. I (позвоню)__________________________________________ you tomorro
            3. Yesterday they (ходили в)______________________________ the cinema.
            4. I go to school (на автобусе)______________________________________.


            Прочитай письмо Тома и напиши ответ. Используй письмо Тома как образец для твоего письма. В твоем письме должна быть следующая информация: your name; your age; where you live; your school; your likes.

            My name is Tom. I’m eleven years old. I live in Strawberry with my mother and father. My mother works at school, she is a teacher and my father is a driver. I have no sisters and brothers.

            I go to Strawberry school. I’m in the fifth grade. My favourite subject is Maths. I like playing computer games very much.

            What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you go to school? What grade are you in? What are your favourite subjects? Do you have any hobbies?

            Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс ФГОС

            cloudy, brother, dress, sunny, son, bread, father, coat, carrot, shoes, rainy, grandmother, suit, tea, sister, shirt, cold, cheese, foggy, water.

            Допиши вторую форму глаголов

            * Если глагол правильный + ed , если неправильный – особая форма.

            Выбери some, any, no

            She has ______ coffee in his glass.

            Are there ______ apples in the bag? – Yes, there are ______.

            Can I have ________ tea?

            I want to drink, but there is ________ water in the bottle.

            ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНО. Переведи предложения, пользуясь схемами

            Во что она вчера была одета? (= носила) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

            «Завтра утром ты съешь яблоко, шоколадку и стакан молока», — сказала мама.

            Контрольно-измерительный материал 2 полугодие (вариант 2)

            Enjoy English-4. Test 2.2

            Name _______________________________________ Class ____________

            Распредели слова на колонки

            dress, tea, sunny, cheese, mother, coat, water, shoes, sister, grandfather, suit, rainy, shirt, cold, son, bread, cloudy, foggy, brother, carrot.

            Допиши вторую форму глаголов

            * Если глагол правильный + ed , если неправильный – особая форма.

            Выбери some, any, no

            I want to eat, but there is ________ food on the table.

            Can I have ________ orange juice?

            Hobbit has ______ tea in his cup.

            Are there ______ sweets in the bag? – Yes, there are ______.

            ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНО. Переведи предложения, пользуясь схемами

            Во что она вчера была одета? (= носила) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

            «Завтра утром ты съешь яблоко, шоколадку и стакан молока», — сказала мама.

            У вас недостаточно прав для добавления комментариев
            Чтобы оставлять комментарии, вам необходимо авторизоваться.
            Если у вас еще нет учетной записи на нашем сайте, предлагаем зарегистрироваться.
            Это займет не более 5 минут.

            Для скачивания материалов с сайта необходимо авторизоваться на сайте (войти под своим логином и паролем)

            Если Вы не регистрировались ранее, Вы можете зарегистрироваться.
            После авторизации/регистрации на сайте Вы сможете скачивать необходимый в работе материал.

            Контрольные работы по английскому языку 4 класс УМК Spotlight
            тест по английскому языку по теме

            Контрольные работы по английскому языку для учащихся 4 класса по учебнику УМК Spotlight соответствуют возрастным особенностям учащихся и содержанию материала учебника.


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            Предварительный просмотр:

            1. Look, learn the table and write. Then translate into Russian.

            next to the armchair

            behind the book

            in front of the computer

            under the table

            in front of the window

            behind the door

            1. Helmet (A2)______________________________________________________
            1. Gloves (A3)______________________________________________________
            1. Mobile phone (A1)________________________________________________
            1. CDs (B3) ________________________________________________________
            1. Hairbrush (B2) ___________________________________________________

            2. Write the numbers.

            3. Read and choose.

            1. ………….. you play the guitar? a) Can b) Are

            2. Listen! The children …………………… . a) are singing b) is singing

            3 Look! Kelly …………………………. a) is diving b) are diving

            4. Bill and Wendy ……………….. playing in the garden. They’re in the living room.

            5. She …………… swim really well. She’s in the swimming team.

            4. Read and complete with Present Continuous.

            It’s Sunday. My dad_______________________________________ (watch) TV.

            On the television his favourite band ___________________________(play) the concert.

            My mum and grandma______________________________________ (cook).

            My grandpa_______________________________ (sleep).

            We_______________________________(have) a good time.

            Предварительный просмотр:

            UNIT 2. A Working Day.

            1. Соедини время.

            5:15 quarter past five

            8:30 quarter to ten

            9:45 quarter to seven

            7:30 quarter past eleven

            6:45 half past eight

            11:15 half past seven

            2. Перепишите предложения в отрицательной фoрме.

            Пример: I have to cook dinner. – I don’t have to cook dinner.

            Meg has to go to bed. – Meg doesn’t have to go to bed.

            1. Susan has to clean her room.
            2. Tom and Mike have to fix their car.
            3. You have to wash the dishes.
            4. My grandpa and grandma have to go to the hospital.
            5. I have to clean my teeth.
            6. We have to eat apples for breakfast.

            3. Соедини профессии и действие, составь предложение по примеру.

            Пример: A waiter serves people.

            A baker help sick people

            A mechanic teach pupils

            A nurse sell fruit

            A teacher take letters to people

            A greengrocer fix cars

            A postman bake bread

            4. Переведи выражения на русский язык, впиши в предложения.

            1. I ________________ go to school.
            2. I________________ ride a bike.
            3. I _______________ play the piano.
            4. I _______________ play football.
            5. I _______________go shopping.

            5. Впиши буквосочетания ir, er,ur.

            Предварительный просмотр:

            Module 3. Tasty Treats.

            1. Отметь, где мы можем употребить “some ”.

            1) olive oil 2) jam 3) play 4) juice 5) read 6) porridge 7) ride 8) chips

            2. Find the odd word out (Найди лишнее слово):

            1) a carton of milk / yogurt /chicken

            2) a packet of meat / spaghetti /biscuits

            3) a jar of cola / honey / jam

            4) a bottle of lemonade / water / flour

            3. Choose and write: How much / how many.

            1. ______________ cheese have you got?

            2. _________________ milk is there in the fridge?

            3. _________________ apples do you need for your cake?

            4. _______________ pepper do you add (добавляешь) in your porridge?

            5. ____________ packets of biscuits have you got?

            4. Choose and write: a lot / many / much:

            1. There isn’t ____________ sugar in the tea.

            2. There are ______________of oranges and mangoes in the basket.

            3. Are there ____________ potatoes at home? – Yes, there are ___________.

            4. Are there _____________ eggs in the fridge? — No, not ______________.

            5. How ______________ milk do you drink every day? – Not _______________.

            5. Match the phrases (Соотнеси фразы).

            1 May I leave the classroom?

            a) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

            2 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

            b) I think only two.

            3 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

            c) No, you may not. It’s still too hot.

            4 How many lemons do we need?

            d) Yes, but don’t be too long.

            5 May I taste the apple pie now?

            e) No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen!

            6. Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквы Gg.

            Fridge, mango, green, orange, garden, gym, magic, sugar.

            Предварительный просмотр:

            Spotlight 4 Module 4

            1. Открой скобки, используя сравнительную степень прилагательных. Переведи.
            1. Образец : A dolphin is cleverer ( clever) than a whale.
            2. A kangaroo is (big ) ______________than a lizard.
            3. A tiger is ( tall ) _________________than a dog.
            4. A hippo is ( fat )_________________ than a seal.
            5. A monkey is ( funny ) _____________than a parrot.
            1. Выбери правильный ответ.
            1. You must/ mustn’t eat with your hands.
            2. You must/ mustn’t go to bed late.
            3. You must/ mustn’t read books every day.
            4. You must/ mustn’t do your homework.

            3 . Расставь названия месяцев в правильном порядке. Переведи на русский язык.

            1. December 1. January-январь
            2. March
            3. June
            4. September
            5. January
            6. April
            7. July
            8. October
            9. February
            10. May
            11. August
            12. November

            4. Выбери нужную форму глагола.

            1. Seals always (clap / are clapping) at lunchtime.

            2. Seals (clap / are clapping) now.

            3. Dolphins usually (play / are playing) in the sea.

            4. Sam is in the kitchen. He (eats / is eating).

            5. Look at the lizard! It (sits / is sitting) in the sun.

            5 . Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквосочетания OO.

            Wood, school, book, too, zoo, look, foot, room.

            Предварительный просмотр:

            MODULE 5 “Where were you yesterday?”

            1. Напиши цифрами.

            1. twenty second-22 nd

            2. Напиши даты полностью.

            1. 22 nd of June- the twenty second of June
            2. 14 th of April-
            3. 26 th of October-
            4. 3 rd of August-
            5. 29 th of May-
            6. 31 st of October-

            3. Посмотри и выбери.

            4. Вставь Was или Were.

            1. It ____________ Vicky’s birthday.

            2. She __________ in the garden.

            3. The trees __________ green.

            4. The day ________ nice.

            5. We _________ in the park.

            6. I _________ at home.

            5. Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквы Aa.

            Предварительный просмотр:

            MODULE 6 “Tell the tale!”

            1. Прочитай текст и подчеркни глаголы в прошедшем времени.

            It was Sunday yesterday. There were a lot of children in the park. Nina and Sasha played badminton. Tim wanted to fly the kite but it wasn’t windy. Sergey tried to ride his bike but he needed help. Maxim helped him to fix the bike. Victor panted his face and the children laughed. Their parents watched them.

            1. Переведи на русский язык.
            1. Maya watched TV on Monday.
            2. Lida cooked lunch yesterday.
            3. I washed the dishes after lunch.
            4. They played games last night.
            1. Напиши, что это не так.

            Образец: Lida watched TV last night. — Lida didn’t watch TV last night.

            1. Ann walked the cat yesterday.
            2. Kate visited her grandpa last week.
            3. They lived in Kiev last year.

            Образец: Seva lived in Toronto last year. — Did Seva live in Toronto last year?

            1. Kate talked to her friend last night.
            2. We fixed our father’s car last week.
            3. You watched cartoons last night.
            1. Распредели слова в зависимости от правил чтения окончания —ed.

            liked, loved, wanted , stayed, cleaned, started, needed, worked, hoped.

            1. Прочитай слова и найди их значение.
            1. racer a)отдыхать
            2. to laugh b)заяц
            3. rest c) вдруг
            4. winner d) бегун
            5. suddenly e)далёкий
            6. fast f)смеяться
            7. far g) быстрый
            8. hare h) победитель

            Предварительный просмотр:

            MODULE 7 “Days to remember!”

            I. Вставь пропущенные слова.

            shy, strong, loud, pretty, kind

            1. He is very _____________! He always helps me with my homework.

            2. Little Anna is a very _________ baby! Everyone likes her!

            3. He shouts all the time! He’s a very ___________ person!

            4. Nick is very ___________! He can carry big boxes!

            5. Ben is very ______________! He never says a word!

            II. Используй прилагательное в нужной форме.

            1. This is the ________________(fast) car in the world.

            2. Brian is ___________________(good) than me.

            3. This is the _________________(big) toy shop in my town.

            4. The blue dress is ____________ (nice) than the red dress.

            5. Tim is _____________________(short) than Mike.

            III. Раскрой скобки, поставь глагол в прошедшее время.

            1. Mum ____________________ (make) a cake yesterday.

            2. Peter _____________________(write) an e-mail to his friend last night.

            3. I ________________________(see) your sister at the theatre last week.

            4. The girls _____________________(buy) new T-shirts last Saturday.

            5. Harry ________________________(eat) a salad for lunch.

            IV. Построй отрицательное предложение.

            1. Jenny rode a horse last Sunday. _______________________________________________________

            2. Corky drank orange juice yesterday morning. _____________________________________________

            3. We swam in the sea last summer. ______________________________________________________

            V. Ask and answer.

            1. They went to the cinema yesterday. ___________________________________________________

            2. He sang songs at school. ________________________________________________________

            3. Mike and Ben came home at 5 pm yesterday. ___________________________________________