Контрольная работа по

Контрольные работы по англ. яз. 2 класс

Контрольные работы по англ. яз. 2 класс к учебнику «Rainbow English».Второе полугодие.

Содержимое разработки

Вставьте артикль a/an.
___orange, ___apple, ___plum, ___sweet, ___elf, ___lemon, ___house, ___cake, ___ant

Напиши перевод:

Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be (am/is/are)

They ______ red apples.

She _____ a nurse.

He ______from Russia.

We _____ good pupils.

I _____ a little elf.

It _____ a big black dog.

Соедини вопросы и подходящие ответы.

What’s your name?

How old are you?

Where are you from?

I’m fine. Thank you.

I’m from Vladimir.

Are you a pupil?

Вставь предлоги:

The apple is ____ the star.

The apple is ____ the star.

The apple is ____ the star.

Вставь недостающие буквы в алфавит.

Переведи на русский язык:

Where are you from?

1. Заверши предложения, используя is, am, are:

1) Len __is___ a good student. Mother Mary and father Jack __are__ happy.

2) We _____ by the shop. It ____an old shop.

3) Where _____ you from? ______ you from Leeds?

4) Larry and Pete ______ in Moscow. Bess ____ in Moscow too.

2. Соедини сочетания букв со звуками, которые они передают:

3. Соедини эти английские и русские слова:

nurse а. папоротник

queen б. медсестра

fern в. королева

brother ж. русалка

mermaid з. птица

4. Напиши 3 предложения о том, кого/что ты любишь и объясни почему:

1) I like chimps. They are funny.

2) I like________________________ _______________________________

3) I like_________________________ _______________________________

4) I like ________________________ _______________________________

5. Переделай предложения по образцу:

1) It is a box. They are boxes.

2) It is a mermaid.

3) She is a good nurse.

4) He is a pupil.

6. Расставь слова так, чтобы получились предложения, и запиши их.

1. is / granny / old / sad / and.

Granny is old and sad.

2. book / is / sad / a / it.

3. a / is / pilot / Pete / good.

4. can / she / a / see / birch.

7. Заполни пропуски недостающими предлогами by, on, in, under.

1. Mary and Kate are _in_ the street. They are _______ the shop. Kate can see cakes and sweets _______ the shop. They are good.

2. Kim and Rex are _______ the park.

Kim is ______ the bench. Rex is _______ the bench. They are happy.

8. Напиши множественное число существительных:

nurse – nurses

Контрольная работа

1. Заверши предложения, используя is, am, are:

1) Len __is___ a good student. Mother Mary and father Jack __are__ happy.

2) I _____ a pupil, I _____ not a student.

3) Missy _____ my cat. It _____ cute and funny.

4) Your brothers _____ not in Rome. They ______ in Paris.

2. Соедини сочетания букв со звуками, которые они передают:

3. Соедини эти английские и русские слова:

servant а. виноград

grapes б. апельсин

tulip г. студент

student д. девочка

birch е. тюльпан

4. Напиши 3 предложения о том, кого/что ты любишь и объясни почему:

1) I like chimps. They are funny.

2) I like________________________ ______________________________

3) I like _______________________ ______________________________

4) I like _______________________ ______________________________

5. Переделай предложения по образцу:

1) It is a box. They are boxes.

2) It is a plane.

3) She is a cute girl.

6. Расставь слова так, чтобы получились предложения, и запиши их.

1. is / granny / old / sad / and.

Granny is old and sad.

2. is / Len / not / happy.

3. are / in / they / London.

4. can / they / a / see / cat.

7. Заполни пропуски недостающими предлогами by, on, in, under.

1. Mary and Kate are _in_ the street. They are _______ the shop. Kate can see cakes and sweets _______ the shop. They are good.

контрольная работа по англ.яз

One of the earliest systems of law of which we have knowledge is the collection of laws, known as the Code 1 of Hammurabi, the Babylonian king, which was carved in stone about 1900 B.C. and which can be seen in the British Museum in London. Another early code is the code of Hebrew law, contained in the Book of Exodus in the Bible.

In Greece each city state had its own law. Some laws were common to many states, such as the laws relating to 2 family life. In the seventh century B.C. the Greeks began to put their laws into writing. About 594 B.C. Solon, the famous Athenian law-giver, provided a new code of law. The Athenians did not consider it necessary to have legal experts for non-criminal cases. In a civil 3 case the verdict was given by a jury, which might number anything from 201 to 2,500. The members of the jury listened to speeches made by the persons who had brought the case before them, and by their friends. Barristers were not allowed, but speeches were sometimes prepared by professional speech-writers.

Roman law is one of the greatest systems that has ever existed. It was based upon custom, and by A.D. 528 the quantity of Roman Law had become so immense that the Emperor Justinian in Constantinople ordered a clear, systematic code of all the laws to be made.

Roman law has had a deep influence upon the law of the world. The law of most European countries is based upon it, and it has had some influence on Anglo-Saxon law, which is the other great law system of the world. For many years Roman law seemed to be lost or forgotten, but it reappeared in the eleventh century, when there was a great revival 4 of learning. Many European countries began to use Roman law in their courts. In France, however, until Napoleon codified 5 the law in 1804, each province had its own laws. The Napoleonic Code was a splendid achievement, and has been copied in many countries in Europe and South America.

1 code : collection of laws arranged in a system.

2 relating to : concerned with, referring to

3 civil : non-criminal.

4 revival : rebirth.

5 codify : put into the form of a code.

Задания к тексту 2

1. Оратите внимание на произношение следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1) Code of Hammurabi

2) Babylonian king

4) Book of Exodus

6) Athenian law-giver

13) South America

16) Emperor Justinian

2. Обратите внимание на произношение следующих слов и словосочетаний и запомните их значение:

law закон, право; code кодекс; to codify — кодифицировать; to state констатировать; own собственный; to put into представлять на рассмотрение; lawgiver законодатель; to provide предусматривать; to consider считать; legal правовой; case (судебное) дело; verdict приговор; barrister барристер (адвокат в высших судах); to exist существовать; speechwriter составитель речей; custom обычай; to order заказывать; to have an influence оказывать влияние; to lose (lost, lost) — терять; to forget (forgot, forgotten) — забывать; reappear заново появиться; revival возрождение; court суд; to copy копировать, списывать.

3. Запомните интернациональные слова:

system ______________, collection ________________, museum _________________, expert _____________, criminal _______________, civil ________________, verdict __________________, jury ________________, speech _______________________, professional ____________________, person _____________________, base ____________________, systematic ________________, province ________________________.

4. Обратите внимание на правила чтения гласной буквы «a« в следующих словах:

as, carved, can, another, state, many, began, have, case, made, has, had, America, base, was, achievement, that.

Запишите транскрипцию слов, используя словарь:

as ________, carved ___________, can _________, another ____________, state _________, many ________, began _______________, have ___________, case ____________, made ______________, has ___________, had ________, America _____________, base ________, was _________, achievement _________________, that ____________ .

5. Прочтите текст. Используя опорные, интернациональные и другие ранее известные вам слова, уясните содержание текста и дайте его краткую аннотацию на русском языке (2-3 предложения).

6. Переведите текст со словарем и составьте его реферат (8-10 предложений) на английском языке.

7. Выпишите из текста словосочетания со словами «system« и «law«, дайте их русский перевод.

8. Выпишите и последовательно разместите даты, приведенные в тексте (от самой ранней до наиболее поздней).

9. Какие события соответствовали указанным датам? Подготовьте краткие устные ответы на английском языке.

10. Выпишите из текста все глаголы-сказуемые в пассивном залоге по образцу:

1) was carved — Past Simple Passive

11. Выпишите из текста 3 глагола – сказуемых в активном залоге.

12. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

1) consists, of, The, Supreme, a, justices, chief, eight, and, associate, Court, justice.

2) to fix, has. Congress, the, power, of, the, sitting, number, the Court, on, judges.

3) laws, power, the, to, has, make, Congress.

13. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие инфинитивные конструкции, выпишите их. Определите функции инфинитива.

14. Найдите в тексте 3-4 сложноподчиненных предложения, определите их тип, подчеркните в них союзы.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Контрольная работа англ.яз.. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Иностранный язык

You can’t imagine an educated person who doesn’t know any foreign language. It is especially important nowadays. Some people learn languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby.

Every year thousands of people go from one country to another either on business or for pleasure. And the knowledge of languages opens the door to any foreign country and gives them a possibility to communicate, to understand people and to be understood.

A real professional cannot do without knowing languages, especially English as it is international language. You don’t need to know Japanese when you go to Japan or Hindi when you visit India. English is spoken all over the world. You can hear it everywhere: in the street, in the shops, at restaurants.

A modern engineer or even a worker deals with instruments and machines from other countries. He must be able to read the instruction which is usually written in English.

Diplomats need foreign languages in their work too. They make contracts, conclude treaties, hold negotiations. If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or a businessman you must learn English, the language of international communication. Even a shopgirl or a cashier in a big department store must know at least some phrases in English to understand foreign customer.

Foreign languages develop our mind. They help us to get acquainted with new customs and traditions, make it possible to read many books in the original.
2. Complete the sentences with a or an . if necessary.

a) My father is 40 years old. He is . engineer and works at. Factory.

b) His mother is . teacher of literature at school.

c) My sister is . student and she is going to be . economist.

d) Her brother will be . artist. I don5t want to be . doctor, i want to be . artist too.
3. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs: so, speak, sleep, come.

a) My sister good English.

b) Children sweet.

c) We to the cinema.

d). The bus
4. Complete the sentences: i, you, she, he. it, they.

a) Mike is not a student. . is a worker.

b) Samanta is my sister. . is 21.

c) My friends are students. . like to go to the cinema.

d) Her mother is not a teacher. .. .is a doctor.

e) My name is Amy, . go to the school.
5. Complete the sentences: am, is, are.

f) They . parents.


Каждый год тысячи людей переезжают из одной страны в другую по делам или для развлечений. А знание языков открывает двери в любое иностранное государство и дает им возможность общаться, понимать людей и быть понятыми.

Настоящий профессионал не может обойтись без языков, а особенно английского, поскольку, это международный язык. не нужно знать японский, когда едешь в Японию, или хинди, когда едешь в Индию. На английском говорят во всем мире, его можно услышать везде: на улице, в магазинах, в ресторанах.

Современный инженер и даже рабочий имеет дело с приборами и машинами из других стран. Он должен быть в состоянии прочитать инструкцию, которая обычно написана по-английски.

Вопросы к предложению «A modern engineer or even a worker deals with instruments and machines from other countries».

1) What do modern engineers deal with?

2) Who deals with instruments and machines from other countries?

a) My father is 40 years old. He is an engineer and works at be Factory.

b) His mother is a teacher of literature at school.

c) My sister is a student and she is going to be an economist.

d) Her brother will be an artist. I don’t want to be a doctor, I want to be an artist too.