Контрольная работа №1 Деловой английский язык

Контрольная работа №1 по английскому языку в 10 классе

Interviewer: More and more people are in computer games nowadays. It affects our life in different ways. Why do you think this pastime, or habit, is gaining more and more popularity with different social and age groups?

Computer games developer: You actually hit the point when said what it’s popular with different people. There used to be a stereotype that an average computer game player is a scruffy teenager who sticks to the screen and manipulates monsters there. He is game addicted and can’t think about anything else but computer games. That lifestyle, naturally, results in his poor performance at school and makes him unsociable as he doesn’t have much practice in real life communication. I.: Lots of people think like this. Are you saying that this it not true?

C. g. d.: It’s not. The statistics say that an average game player is much older —in his late twenties and the tendency aims to thirty. Though at the present moment majority of players are men, women become more and more involved too. I.: And I thought that most games were designed for men. Shooting and driving games.

C. g. d.: They used to be. But computer games are getting more sophisticated and exquisite. Action is combined with detailed and even refined graphics. Games can be very impressive if they combine a good plot, good visuals and good music. I.: Music?

C. g. d.: Sure. Music is the essential component of a good computer game. Music is very important to make the game involving and exiting. I.: If we go on like this, we may come to the conclusion that computer games can be defined as a new form of art.

C. g. d.: And why not?! It’s hard to believe, but when the cinematograph was invented, it had lots of opponents. Some people said that the films were intended to entertain the public and divert them from real life problems and from real, serious art like painting, music, and theatre. The theatre, by the way, had lived through the accusations of the same kind, but earlier. It wasn’t prestigious at all to be an actor, you know.

I.: Yes, and now no one would ever say that the theatre and the cinema aren’t serious enough to be called art.

С g. d.: I dare say that computer games have even more chances to win the public.

С g. d.: I mean that the conventional forms of arts, like music, painting and theatre, don’t allow any interaction. We can only admire things other people have done. We can interpret them in different ways, deducing what the author’s message might have been. We can criticise them, but. but we can’t change anything. The conventional forms of art don’t allow any interaction. We are bound to be passive and can either accept a piece of art or not, but can never change it. I.: And in the computer game case.

С g. d.: Right. Some games are wonderful because they let you create your own world. Your every step, every click of the mouse counts and matters. Some game characters are so skillfully designed that you have an impression that it’s not you who manipulates them, but that they have their own intellect and respond consciously. I.: Which drifts us from the cultural topic to the scientific issue of creating artificial intellect.

С g. d.: You are right, let’s get back to.

Курс повышения квалификации

Смешанное обучение

К данной скидке мы можем добавить скидку Вашего образовательного учреждения (она зависит от того, сколько Ваших коллег прошло курсы «Инфоурок»)

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К данной скидке мы можем добавить скидку Вашего образовательного учреждения (она зависит от того, сколько Ваших коллег прошло курсы «Инфоурок»)

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  • Сейчас обучается 171 человек из 50 регионов

Курс повышения квалификации

Основы теории обучения немецкому языку

К данной скидке мы можем добавить скидку Вашего образовательного учреждения (она зависит от того, сколько Ваших коллег прошло курсы «Инфоурок»)

В настоящий момент дополнительные накопительные скидки (от 2% до 25%) предоставляются 53.573 образовательным учреждениям . Чтобы узнать, какая скидка действует для всех сотрудников Вашего образовательного учреждения, войдите в свой личный кабинет «Инфоурок».

«Домашнее обучение. Лайфхаки для родителей»

Выбранный для просмотра документ TEST 1 grade 10.doc

Listen to an interview with a computer games developer and choose the correct answer.

1. According to the speakers, most people believe that

a) teenagers play computer games the most.

b) a typical computer game player is a young adult.

c) young women enjoy computer games very much.

d) little kids enjoy playing computer games with monsters.

2. The computer expert says that

a) the number of male players is falling.

b) the number of male players is rising.

c) the number of female players is rising.

d) the numbers of male and female players is more or less equal.

3. The expert says that to create a good computer game one needs

a) very sophisticated computer equipment.

b) high-skilled programmers and designers.

c) an interesting plot, graphics and music.

d) a lot of action and shooting, and loud music.

4. The expert says that computer games and conventional films have got a lot in common because

a) they divert people from real life.

b) they have a plot and characters.

c) they were not considered art at their early days.

d) they will live longer than painting, music, and the theatre.

5. According to the expert, computer games

a) may lose their popularity with most people quite soon.

b) will become the only form of art people enjoy.

c) will never become more popular than cinema and films.

d) may become more popular than cinema and films.

6. The expert believes that the advantage of computer games over films is that

a) they let the player make changes and interact with characters.

b) their plots are usually more original and sophisticated.

c) they are more dynamic and have different levels to suit anyone.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Classes and homework are not only for children. Not anymore. This is the opinion of one of the online course providers Jason Underwood. He believes education is going to become a lifelong process for those who are at school or university now. The professional world is very competitive nowadays, and to keep up with rivals one needs to update qualifications on a regular basis. If a person wants to go further, to get promoted, and to keep his skilled job, he’ll have to master his skills and upgrade his qualifications regularly.

The job-for-life tendency seems to have ceased to exist. The world is changing rapidly: specialists of your profession are in great demand now, but soon you may find the job market has changed, and you may need to obtain another qualification to avoid being left behind.

It’s obvious that a person who has a full time job can’ t give it up in order to attend classes. The internet is the resource which enables people to combine work and study. Online courses provide vast opportunities in education and development to everyone, regardless of their age, job, and location. Jason Underwood believes that the technological advantages of distant education are evident and it will soon replace the old model of education with its compulsory lecture and seminar attendance. «If you do an online course,» he says, «you can just log on, i.e. enter the educational resource by typing your login, and listen to the lecturer, or read the printed version of the lecture. You have access to lots of audio and video topic-related clips and you can watch them again and again. You can record them for later use in case you wish to run through them for your exam. And if anything needs clarification or if you’ve got questions, you can apply to your tutor or the lecturer via the e-mail. And even when it’s time to sit your course exam, there’s often no need to come to the real classroom — you can submit assignments and take exams via the internet.»

Access to libraries without commuting and studying at a convenient time is a real advantage for students of any ages, and absolutely vital for adult students. Though not all distance courses are run quite effectively yet, in regard to lifetime education the concept of lectures and tutorials held entirely in the classroom has already gone.

1 . Jason Underwood says that to survive in the competition people should

a) upgrade the electronic equipment regularly.

b) watch how their competitors are doing.

c) upgrade their professional knowledge.

2. The author of the article believes that the job market

a) is expanding rapidly in all professional fields.

b) tends to offer opportunities for anyone.

c) is getting more dynamic and less predictable.

3. The author of the article believes that

a) all age groups will benefit from the internet-based learning.

b) younger generation will benefit from the internet-based learning most.

c) the senior professionals will benefit from distant learning most.

4. Jason Underwood believes that distant courses

a) will be used instead of face-to-face classes.

b) cannot be used by schoolchildren or young learners.

c) will make a part of traditional model of education.

5. The main advantage of distant courses in Mr Underwood’s opinion is that

a) students have permanent access to all the materials.

b) students can communicate with the teacher via e-mail.

c) students don’t have to sit their exams in the classroom.

6. The author believes that

a) classroom education has no alternative.

b) people are ready to accept electronic innovations.

c) the time of distant learning hasn’t come yet.


TASK 1. Fill in the gaps with one of the alternatives below .

I was only six when my Mum (1) _________me to school. Most of my schoolmates were over seven that’s why she worried about me. However, I (2)____________ to be a good mixer and got on very

well with everyone. I suspect that I owe my popularity with the schoolmates and later with the colleagues to my gift for martial arts. I (3)___________ in karate since five and still practice it regularly. I (4)_____________ in karate competition in Moscow and in Tokyo in the 90s. Naturally, its not easy now (5)____________ the sport regularly, as I have a nine-to-six job, and a pair of little kids, who

(6) _____________lots of time and care too. Along with that I took up a university course a couple of years ago, as I needed to update my qualifications. It resulted in having all my Saturdays (7) ________

by lectures and seminar preparations. To do everything on time, I schedule my day very carefully. I have a special agenda for my university and it helps keep track of exams and long-term

assignments. In spite of the busy life style, I never (8) _________about it. People don’t need (9)________if they enjoy what they do.

Контрольная работа №1 Деловой английский язык

 Контрольные задания по английскому языку представлены в пяти вариантах. Номер варианта следует выбирать в соответствии с первой буквой фамилии студента.

Начальная буква фамилии студента

А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ж, З, И, К

Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т ,У, Ф

Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Э, Ю, Я

 Контрольные задания выполняются на компьютере. На титульном листе (см. Приложение) указывается фамилия студента, номер группы, номер контрольной работы и фамилия преподавателя, у которого занимается студент. Электронную версию контрольной работы можно найти на сайте кафедры «Иностранные языки – 5» (см. раздел «Учебные ресурсы»).

 В конце работы должна быть поставлена подпись студента и дата выполнения задания.

Контрольные задания должны быть выполнены в той последовательности, в которой они даны в настоящем пособии.

 Выполненную контрольную работу необходимо сдать преподавателю для проверки и рецензирования в установленные сроки.

 Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения изложенных выше требований, она возвращается студенту без проверки.

Выполнение работы над ошибками

При получении проверенной контрольной работы необходимо проанализировать отмеченные ошибки и еще раз проработать учебный материал. Все задания, в которых были сделаны ошибки или допущены неточности, следует еще раз выполнить в конце данной контрольной работы. Контрольные работы являются учебными документами, которые необходимо сохранять. Во время зачета учитываются результаты выполнения контрольной работы.

Контрольная работа №1

I. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст.

Переведите письменно первый абзац.

Retaining good staff

An organization’s capacity to identify, attract and retain high-quality, high -performing people who can develop winning strategies has become decisive in ensuring competitive advantage. High performers are easier to define than to find. They are people with limitless energy and enthusiasm. They are full of ideas and get things done quickly and effectively. They inspire others not just by pep talks but also through the sheer force of their example. Such people can push their organizations to greater and greater heights. However, not all high performers are stolen, some are lost. High performers generally leave because organizations do not know how to keep them. Money remains an important motivator but organizations should not imagine that it is the only one that matters. In practice, high performers to take for granted that they will get a good financial package. They seek motivation from other sources.

High performers are very keen to develop their skills and their curriculum vitae. Offering time for regeneration is another crucial way for organizations to retain high performers. Work needs to be varied and time should available for creative thinking and mastering new skills. They will not want to feel that success they are winning for the organization is lost because of the inefficiency of others or by weaknesses in support areas. Above all, high performers – especially if they are young – want to feel that the organization they work for regards them as special. If they find that it is not interested in them as people but only as high performing commodities, their loyalty is minimal. On the other hand, if an organization does invest in its people, it is much more likely to win loyalty from them and create a community of talent and high performance that will worry competitors.

Контрольная работа по Английскому языку Вариант 1

II. Поставьте прилагательное в скобках в соответствующую форму и сделайте необходимые изменения в предложении:

II. Поставьте существительное в форму множественного числа и сделайте необходимые изменения в предложении:

I. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами «at”, «on”, «in” или знаком «–» , если предлог не требуется:

IV. Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в соответствующую форму, используя слова «more/ less” или «better/worse”, если это необходимо:

III. Заполните пропуски местоимениями «something”, «somebody”, «anything”, «anybody”, «nothing”, «nobody”, «everybody”:

The stories of identical twins’ nearly identical lives are often astonishing, but perhaps none more so than those of these identical twins born in Ohio. Jim Lewis and Jim Springer first met February 9, 1979 after 39 years of being separated. They had grown to adulthood completely unaware of each other’s existence. When Jim Lewis finally found his twin brother, Jim Springer, after years of searching through court records, he knew their unwed mother had put them up for adoption shortly after giving birth. When the two first met, Lewis described it as «like looking into a mirror.» For starters, both had the same first name. They were physically identical. But when they got talking, the similarities were astounding. Both had childhood dogs named Toy. Both had been nail biters and fretful sleepers. Both had migraines. Both had married first wives names Linda, second wives named Betty. Lewis named his first son James Allen, Springer named his James Alan. For years, they both had taken holidays on the same Florida beach. They drank Miller Lite, smoked Salem cigarettes, loved stock car racing, disliked baseball, left regular love notes to their wives, made doll furniture in their basements, and had added circular white benches around the trees in their backyards. Their IQs, habits, facial expressions, brain waves, heartbeats, and handwriting were nearly identical. The Jim twins lived apart but died on the same day, from the same illness.

Внимание! Если вы не укажите в поле «АДРЕС» ссылку на страницу с работой, то она не придет вам на почту! См. пример заполнения полей ниже!

ВАЖНО: На сайте проходит модерация старых работ, поэтому, если цена нужной вам работы не указана или она ниже 100 рублей, уточните в комментарии к работе цену. После этого она будет скорректирована для оплаты.

Контрольная работа № 1по английскому языку для студентов ЗО

Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где это необходимо. Переведите.

1) I am …. accountant.

2) Children are…. pupils.

3) The pen is on … table.

4) I live in… Moscow.

5) I have … table. … table is good.

Заполните пропуски предлогами at, on, in. Переведите.

1) The student is …. the desk.

2) The letter is… the bag.

3) Tom lives …. Volgograd.

4) I am … the class-room.

5) The pencils are … the table.

Образуйте множественное число от существительных:

Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be. Переведите.

1) This …my brother.

2) His name .. Tom.

3) This … his wife.

4) These … his children.

5) They … nice and clever.

8) There … a kitchen, a sitting- room and a bedroom in my house.

9) There … 2 armchairs, a table, a sofa and a wall-unit in my sitting-room.

10) There… a table, 2 chairs and a sofa in my sitting-room.

Заполните пропуски соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями. Переведите

1) This is Helen . It is …. book.

2) Hi Pete! Where is … sister?

3) She is going for a walk with … boy-friend.

4) I can not find … bag. Where is… bag?

5) Children! Where are … parents?

6) Tom plays with … dog.

Составьте из слов предложения. Переведите.

1) They, students, are.

2) We, at a bank, work.

3) They, have, an apple

4) He, a worker, is?

5) Lives, he, in Berlin.

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму. Переведите.

1) It is an apple.

2) He is a doctor.

3) It is her book.

4) These are tables.

5) I am a teacher.

6) Those are my pencils.

7) Pupil have got pens

8) Kathy has got a cat.

Задайте общие вопросы к данным предложениям. Дайте краткие ответы. Переведите.

1) Tom is a manager.

2) The letters are on the table.

3) We are in Rome.

4) These men are engineers.

5) The cadet is at the desk.

6) Bill has got a three-room flat.

7) I have got a pen.

Задайте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам. Переведите.

1) The offer is on the table.

2) My husband is a manager.

3) My name is Helen.

4) The table is in the living room.


Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык.

2) Ручка в сумке.

3) Ученик за партой.

4) Письма на вашем столе.

Задание № 12

Прочитайте, перепишите и переведите текст.

Our classroom is not large. There is one big window in it. The walls are light green and the ceiling is white. There are no pictures on the walls but there is a blackboard and two maps. One is a map of GreatBritain and the other is a map of the United States of America. There is a stick of chalk and a duster on the blackboard. There are seven desks and twelve chairs in the classroom. There is a tape-recorder on the teacher’s desk.

There are ten students and a teacher in the classroom. We have English lessons every day. We listen to the tape and repeat .sentences after the speaker.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. Is the classroom large?

2. How many windows are there in the classroom?

3. What colour are the walls?

4. What colour is the ceiling?

5. Are there any pictures on the walls?

6. How many maps are there on the walls?

7. What is there on the blackboard?

8. How many desks (chairs) are there in the classroom?

9. What is there on the teacher’s desk?

10. How many students are there in the classroom?

Напишите 7предложений о себе, о своей семье, 3 предложения о своем доме.

Контрольная работа № 1по английскому языку для студентов ЗО

Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задания в контрольной

работе №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского

языка по любому учебнику:

  1. Правила транскрибирования английских слов.
  2. Спряжение глаголов to be и to have got.
  3. Артикли.
  4. Множественное число существительных.
  5. Предлоги места и времени.
  6. Порядковые числительные.
  7. Личные и притяжательные местоимения.
  8. Притяжательный падеж существительных.
  9. Лексика по теме семья , дом.


Протранскрибируйте и прочитайте следующие слова.

shame, sham, joke, jam, cage, chess, peach, stretch, row, rainy, tune, but, butter, June, found, card, pass, past, park, port, call, walk, mixture, ladder, when, common, write, wrench, wheat

Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где это необходимо. Переведите

1) This is … room. … room is big.

2) The letter is on … table.

3) Where is … pen?

4) It is .. book . …. book is good.

5) We are … students.

Заполните пропуски предлогами at, on, in. Переведите

1) I am …. the office.

2) The pencils are… the bag.

3) We live …. Amsterdam.

4) Pete is… the desk.

5) The pencils are … the table.

Образуйте множественное число от существительных:

Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be. Переведите

1) My friend … an auditor.

2) Mary and Tom …. students.

3) These men … nice.

4) We …. in Russia.

7) The letters …. on the table.

8) There … a kitchen, a sitting- room and a bedroom in my house.

9) There … 2 armchairs, a table, a sofa and a wall-unit in my sitting-room.

10) There… a table, 2 chairs and a sofa in my sitting-room.

Заполните пропуски соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями. Переведите

1) This is Bob. It is …. book.

2) Hi Mary! Where is … sister?

3) She is at home with … friend

4) I can not find … offer. Where is… offer?

5) Girl! Where are … parents?

6) Jim plays with … cat.

Составьте из слов предложения. Переведите

1) They, managers, are?

2) We, at the best office, work.

3) Have, they, apples.

4) He, is, a student?

5) These, are, letters, the table, on?

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму. Переведите

1) These are pens.

2) They are doctors.

3) It is our cat.

4) This is my sister.

5) I am the company manager.

6) Those are my pencils.

7) We have got a large house.

8) Sarah has got a pretty dress.

Задайте общие вопросы к данным предложениям. Дайте краткие ответы. Переведите