Контрольные работы 4 класс по УМК Биболетовой о-методический материал по английскому языку по теме

4/ Tiny will / won’t make a snowman in December.

Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку 4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4»

Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку 4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4» Составлено для двух вариантов. Состоит из пяти разноуровневых заданий. Тест на проверку лексико-грамматических знаний: — использование лексики в контексте, — использование предлогов места, — дифференциация оборотов there is/there are, -использование видовременной формы глагола, — формообразование множественного числа существительного.

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«Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку 4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4» »

Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку

4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4»

1. Прочитай письмо и вставь пропущенные слова

Beautiful, write, letter, in the country, behind, sheep, mountains, towns, swim, river, garden

Thank you for your _____________. I am Anna, I am from Russia. My country is large and

________________. There are many cities and _________ in Russia. But I live _________________.

I live with my mum and dad. Our house isn’t big. There is a green ____________ with apple trees and flowers ___________ my house. There is a river next to the forest. My friends and I _________

there in summer. There is an old bridge over the ____________. We’ve got a cow, five _________,

a horse, a cat and a dog. I like to read books about seas, oceans, ____________________ and deserts.

___________ me about your country and your town, please.

Your pen friend,

2. Выбери и обведи нужный предлог

1. There is a nice round table in/ on/ at the room.

2. I share a large room of / from / with my brother.

3. There is a nice carpet on/ at/ in the floor.

4. There are two toys in/ on/ under the chair.

5. There is a shelf next to/ under/ between the fireplace.

3. Прочитай предложения и вставь пропущенные is или are.

1. There………. two windows in the kitchen.

2. ………..there many books in his room?- Yes, there ……..

3. There…………. a sofa and two armchairs in Jim’s living-room.

4. ………….there a big kitchen in their cottage?- No, there ……n’t.

5. There ………… a black old piano in the dining- room.

4. Выбери и подчеркни нужный глагол.

1. She will draw/ draws a funny picture for her brother tomorrow.

2. I’ll have/ have breakfast at 8 am every day.

3. They will help/ help you tomorrow.

4. It is/ will be sunny and hot next summer.

5. She will listen/listens to music every day.

5. Заполни таблицу

Контрольное тестирование по английскому языку

4 класс, II четверть, УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English-4»

2 вариант

1. Прочитай письмо и вставь пропущенные слова

Beautiful, write, letter, in the country, behind, sheep, mountains, towns, swim, river, garden

Thank you for your _____________. I am Anna, I am from Russia. My country is large and

________________. There are many cities and _________ in Russia. But I live _________________.

I live with my mum and dad. Our house isn’t big. There is a green ____________ with apple trees and flowers ___________ my house. There is a river next to the forest. My friends and I _________

there in summer. There is an old bridge over the ____________. We’ve got a cow, five _________,

a horse, a cat and a dog. I like to read books about seas, oceans, ____________________ and deserts.

___________ me about your country and your town, please.

Your pen friend,

2.Выбери и обведи нужный предлог

1. There is no TV on/ behind/ in the room.

2. I share a large room of/ from/ with my sister.

3. There are a lot of books on/ behind/ in the shelf.

4. There are two desks on/ under/ next to the window.

5. There is a nice carpet on/ at/ in the floor.

3. Прочитай предложения и вставь пропущенные is или are.

1. There………. one window in the bedroom.

2. ……….. there any posters in your room?- Yes, there …….. two posters in it.