Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса

Данная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 7 класса, которые занимаются по УМК “ English” Кузовлев В.П. Работа проводится в конце учебного года. Продолжительность работы 60 минут. Контрольная работа имеет критерий оценивания результатов и ключ.

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«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса»

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

Пояснительная записка

Контрольная работа составлена в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом. Объектом контроля являются элементы языка (лексика, грамматика) и речевая деятельность (чтение). Контрольная работа состоит из пяти частей.

Часть первая. Базовый уровень.

Понимание общего содержания текста. Тип задания – установление соответствия; каждый заголовок соответствует только одному тексту, при этом один заголовок лишний.

Часть вторая. Повышенный уровень.

Умение находить запрашиваемую информацию. Тип задания – установление соответствия между утверждениями и содержанием текстов, причем одно утверждение лишнее.

Часть третья. Высокий уровень.

Полное понимание связного текста. Тип задания – выбор правильного ответа из четырех предложенных.

Часть четвертая. Грамматика. Базовый уровень.

Восстановление пропущенного слова в предложении. Тип задания – выбор правильной формы глагола из трех предложенных.

Часть пятая. Лексика. Повышенный уровень. Восстановление пропущенного слова в предложении. Тип задания – выбор подходящего по смыслу слова.

Данная контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 7 класса, которые занимаются по УМК “ English” Кузовлев В.П.. Работа проводится в конце учебного года. Продолжительность работы 60 минут. Контрольная работа имеет критерий оценивания результатов и ключ.

За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 балл: за первое задание – 4 балла, за второе задание – 8 баллов, за третье задание – 6 баллов, за четвертое задание – 6 баллов, за пятое задание – 6 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов — 30. Успешность выполнения контрольной работы определяется исходя из такого соответствия:

25 – 30 баллов = 5 (отлично)

16 – 24 балла = 4 (хорошо)

10 – 14 баллов = 3 (удовлетворительно)

Менее 10 баллов = 2 (неудовлетворительно).

Ann has big and brown eyes. Ann is the youngest.

Kostya is a good chess-player. Kostya has short and fair hair.

Tanya is fond of English. Tanya wears a uniform.

Nick likes to read. Nick wants to become a teacher.

Часть 1.Прочти тексты 1 – 4 с описаниями месяцев. Подбери к ним названия A, B, C, D или E. Одно название лишнее.

1. It is the month when birds migrate, when the leaves begin to turn yellow and red, when apples ripen, and nights are cool. On the 23 rd , day and night are of equal length. You can still see some summer flowers around. Towards the middle of this month the leaves begin to change their colour. There are many mushrooms in the forests. Animals are now preparing for the coming winter. Birds gather in flocks and get ready for their flight to the South.

2. It is the month of the last frost, of melting snow, of the first buds and green, of earliest spring flowers, of the first migratory birds. On the 21 st , day and night are of equal length. Towards the end of this month you can find first spring flowers. Grey squirrels begin to build new nests. People celebrate International Women’s Day in this month. The holiday is celebrated all over the world. Sprigs of mimosa are the best present for women on this day.

3. It is the month of greatest cold, of frozen lakes and ponds, of deep snow. Although some animals are sleeping, winter is good time to watch many of them. Grey squirrels are very active in winter. Rabbits wear white coats. They must always remember of their enemy, the red fox, who hunts during the day. When a fox wants to sleep — he lies down in the snow and uses his tail as a blanket.

4. It is the month of roses, of tall grass and sweet-smelling hay, of warm nights. 0n the 22 nd , we have the longest day and the shortest night. All kinds of grasses bloom at this time. Near ponds and lakes you can see a bright carpet of flowers. Strawberries are ripe. The young birds usually stay in the nest from one to two weeks. During this time their parents give them food and watch them. Children have their holidays. It is the beginning of summer.

My name is Ann. I’m eleven. I’m tall. My hair is long and fair. My eyes are big and brown. I study in the sixth form. I learn many interesting subjects at school. They are English, Russian, History, Maths, Music and others. I’m fond of Maths. My hobby is swimming.

My name is Kostya. I’m fourteen. I’m neither tall nor short. My face is round, my eyes are blue. My hair is short and fair. I’m in the ninth form. I study well. In my free time I play chess. I’m a good player.

I’m Tanya. My eyes are green. My hair is dark and long. I’m short and thin. I’m thirteen. I’m in the eighth form. I wear a uniform. My favourite subject is English. I’m fond of music. I play the piano well.

My name is Nick. I’m sixteen. I’m rather tall. I have blue eyes and a straight nose. My hair is dark and short. I’m in the eleventh form. I’m planning to be a teacher. In my spare time I enjoy reading , playing basketball and watching TV.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе.

Контрольная работа проводится по окончании 8 класса. Контрольная работа обобщает материал, изученный по учебнику «Английский язык» 8 класс, О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева. В работе использованы задания на использование предлогов for, since, возвратных местоимений, временных форм, косвенной речи. Предлагаются также задания по теме «Спорт».

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«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе. »

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе, 2013-2014 учебный год

I . Выберите нужную форму глагола: Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. I ___ my best friend for ten years.

A have known B knew C has known

2. Somebody ___ our car last Sunday.

A stole B has stolen C have stolen

3. I don’t want to go to the cinema. I ___ this film.

A has already seen B have already seen C already saw

4. Michael ___ to play the piano last year.

A has learnt B have learnt C learned

5. My parents ___ to Germany in 2005.

A went B has gone C have gone

6. Columbus ___ America in the 15th century.

A has discovered B have discovered C discovered

7. I ___ a letter. Can you post it?

A has just written B have just written C just wrote

8. Sandra ___ her bike yesterday.

A fell off B have fallen off C has fallen off

9. Andy ___ to Japan twice.

A was B has been C have been

10. He ___ a good education in London three years ago.

A have received B has received C received

II. Выберите нужную форму возвратного местоимения: (myself, itself, herself, himself, ourselves, yourself, themselves)

1. The girl decorated the room ______.

2. The winner looked very proud of ______.

3. The cat is washing ______.

4. The children enjoyed______ when they visited Disneyland.

5. If you don’t behave ______, I shall put you all to bed early.

6. We painted the room ______.

7. I can do it ________.

III. Выберите нужную форму предлога: for / since

1. I haven’t slept 48 hours.

2. Sarah has been waiting for her sister a long time.

4. They haven’t visited us Christmas.

5. She has been in hospital Monday.

6. They have been playing football an hour and a half.

8. Jane has worked here two weeks already.

9. These cherry trees have bloomed every spring 1980.

10. Joe and Josephine have been going out together Valentine’s Day.

IV. Выберите соответствующий вариант в косвенной речи.

1. «I think the film was a great success» — said Peter.
Peter said that … .
a) he thinks the film was a great success
b) he thought the film was a great success
c) he thought the film had been a great success
d) I thought the film had been a great success

2. «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me.

Tom said that … come to the meeting.
a) I will
b) I would
c) he will
d) he would

3. He said: «I can speak English very well».
He said that he … English very well.
a) can speak
b) could speak
c) will speak
d) may speak

4. She said: «I have been waiting for you since five o`clock.»
She said that she … for me since five o`clock.
a) have been waiting
b) had been waiting
c) has been waiting
d) was waiting

5. «Do you often play tennis?» — he asked me.
He asked me … tennis.
a) I often play
b) if I often played
c) if he often plays
d) if you often played

6. «Will you go with the others, Tonny?» asked Mr. Kelly.
Mr. Kelly asked … with the others.
a) if Tonny went
b) that Tonny goes
c) if Tonny would go
d) if Tonny will go

V. Заполните таблицу, распределив слова на два столбика

Badminton, judo, golf, water polo, boxing, baseball, volleyball, cycling, ice hockey, rugby, figure skating, weight lifting, long jumping, water skiing, high jumping, football, skiing.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку (2 класс)

2) Tim’s dog ___ ___ strong. 7) The clocks ___ _ __ black.

3) Mary __ __ __ a smart pupil. 8) My mum __ __ ___ nice.

4) We __ __ ___ very funny. 9) __ __ __ you merry ?

5) It ___ __ __ a cockerel. 10) Tom and Bob __ __ __ shy.

2. Поставь have got или has got или can

1) I ________________ a white cat and a black dog.

2) A parrot __________ fly.

3) Tricky ___________________a green crocodile.

4) I ___________ play hockey.

5) __________ they ski and skate ?

6) We _________________________ ten pens and eight pencils.

7) Jane ___________ dance well.

8) _________ you _______ a book ?

9) He ___________ not________ a farm.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 кл

1. Поставь вместо пропусков am или is или are

1) I ___ ___ brave. 6) His cat __ __ __ not grey.

2) Tim’s dog ___ ___ strong. 7) The clocks ___ _ __ black.

3) Mary __ __ __ a smart pupil. 8) My mum __ __ ___ nice.

4) We __ __ ___ very funny. 9) __ __ __ you merry ?

5) It ___ __ __ a cockerel. 10) Tom and Bob __ __ __ shy.

2. Поставь have got или has got или can

1) I ________________ a white cat and a black dog.

2) A parrot __________ fly.

3) Tricky ___________________a green crocodile.

4) I ___________ play hockey.

5) __________ they ski and skate ?

6) We _________________________ ten pens and eight pencils.

7) Jane ___________ dance well.

8) _________ you _______ a book ?

9) He ___________ not________ a farm.

3 . Составь предложения и напиши рядом.

1) can, I, sing. _______________________________________

2) merry, is, pupil, A. _______________________________________

3) is, crocodile, A, long. _______________________________________

4) live, We, in, town, a. ________________________________________

5) clock, The, is, big, not. ________________________________________

6) Can, play, basketball, you ? ______________________________________

4 . Отгадай загадку. Подчеркни правильный ответ

I have got a pet. It is brave and strong. It cannot fly. It cannot jump. It is not black and brown. It is very big. It lives in the zoo.

a) a rabbit b) a monkey c) an elephant d) a dog

5 . Напиши рядом перевод предложений

1) I think we are not lazy pupils. ___________________________________________

2) I live in a town. ______________________________________________________

3) His friend can’t skate well. _____________________________________________

4) They have got a strong tiger. ___________________________________________

5) Ann’s pig is pink. ____________________________________________________

6) John has got five hens and a cockerel. _____________________________________

7) My name is Tom. ___________________________________________________

3 . Составь предложения и напиши рядом.

1) can, I, sing. _______________________________________

2) merry, is, pupil, A. _______________________________________

3) is, crocodile, A, long. _______________________________________

4) live, We, in, town, a. ________________________________________

5) clock, The, is, big, not. ________________________________________

6) Can, play, basketball, you ? ______________________________________

4 . Отгадай загадку. Подчеркни правильный ответ

I have got a pet. It is very nice. It is strong and brave. It is not long. It can jump and run. But cannot fly. It is not green. It lives in the zoo.

a) a parrot b) a crocodile c) a tiger d) an elephant

5 . Напиши рядом перевод предложений

1) I think we are not lazy pupils. ___________________________________________

2) I live in a town. ______________________________________________________

3) His friend can’t skate well. _____________________________________________

4) They have got a strong tiger. ___________________________________________

5) Ann’s pig is pink. ____________________________________________________

6) John has got five hens and a cockerel. _____________________________________